Friends (🤖+🧽)

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Jenny tries to befriend Spongebob but he keeps running away.

"AHHHH!!!! ROBOT!!" screamed Spongebob. He ran towards the nearest body of water which was a pond and jumped in. In hopes that the robot wouldn't chase after him. "Wait!" yelled Jenny, ever since she met Spongebob, she was determined to be his friend. But he seemed to be afraid of her. Jimmy explained that an incident happened a while ago where robots attacked his home and terrorised his town. Spongebob never really trusted other robots ever since. Jenny finally understood why he acted the way he did and tried to explain to him that she was harmless. But whenever she got close, he ran. And boy was that sponge fast.

Jenny stood over the body of water, she wanted to chase after him. She fumbled over her choices and finally decided to walk into the water. As she walked to the bottom of the pond, she realised "Huh, it's not so bad down here". She continued walking, calling out for Spongebob. She suddenly felt her left leg stiffen, she landed on the sandy floor, and the sand was flying around her. She could feel her left leg rusting up. "Oh no...". She tried crawling but the more she moved, the more she rusted. "Sponge... bob... help!!" she tried calling out, but then her body couldn't move anymore. No matter how hard she tried, she wouldn't budge. She tried sending out an emergency alert but her circuits were soaked.

"Awh man, mom is so gonna kill me..." she mumbled to herself. "You have a mother?". Jenny's eyes widen, "Spongebob! Is that you?!" she cried out, she couldn't turn to face him so she could only depend on her hearing. "uhh yeah, it's me. What are you doing down here? I thought Jimmy said you and water don't get along well..." questioned Spongebob. "I know, I know. I just wanted to catch up to you, now my body is all rusted and my circuits are ruined!!" she cried, Spongebob took this as a chance to examine the robot.

This robot looked more human than the other robots he's seen before. And just like she said, he could see rust forming on her legs and arms. Spongebob walked in front of the robot, Jenny smiled awkwardly at him. "You said 'mom', you have a mother?" asked Spongebob as he pulled a big stone to sit on. Jenny felt like she was being interviewed but if it meant getting Spongebob's trust, she was willing to do it. "Yes, her name is Nora Wakeman. She built me a long time ago. She is like a mother figure to me." She explained, "She always told me, 'Stay away from water Jenny! It's dangerous for you!'. But I never listen..." she joked.

Spongebob kept asking questions and Jenny answered them all. He concluded that she wasn't a threat. She was just a teenager. Spongebob smiled and sat next to her on the sandy surface. "Sorry for running away. I didn't get to know you before, but now I do," he smiled. Spongebob then grabbed one of Jenny's legs and started pulling her towards the surface. Jenny smiled "Oh Thank You so much Spongebob! Thank you for trusting me!!" she happily cried out, "no problem, oh and don't worry, I know a friend who's married to a robot. I'm sure he could help with the rust and circuits!".

"Married?" Jenny asked awkwardly. "It's a long story, but I'm sure she would love to tell you how they met if you ask nicely." Spongebob giggled, "I'm sure you two will get along just fine and your mother will never find out about your rusty body parts". Jenny laughed along, "that would be great!" she smiled. Spongebob and Jenny exchanged conversations about their likings, friends and family until they finally reached their destination.



Plankton: Not now Spongebob, I'm busy trying-

Plankton: *sees the rusted robot next to Spongebob

Plankton: Oh my...

Spongebob: Do you mind helping us? Pretty please...


Jenny: I'd appreciate it, pretty please...

Jenny: *gives puppy dog eyes

Spongebob: *gives puppy dog eyes too

Plankton: Alright! Alright! Just stop doing that!!... annoying kids... KAREN! We've got guests!!!

Spongebob: Thanks Plankton!!

Plankton: Don't mention it, kid...

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