It's a Wishful Life (🪄+🧽)

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This takes place after the episode "It's a Wishful Life" in Fairly OddParents. Timmy finally returned to his normal dimension after Jordan undid his wish.

"C'mon sport. What's with the long face?" asked Wanda, she realised Timmy has been very quiet ever since he made that wish of never existing. Jordan explained to her and Cosmo that he showed Timmy what had happened in the dimension where Timmy never existed and how everyone was much happier and things were better.

Wanda felt guilt that Timmy saw them other-selves being happier with HIS own best friend. Yeah, Timmy can be a handful and always misbehaves but she couldn't ask for a better kid.

Timmy was silent for a moment. Wanda was about to repeat her question when Timmy suddenly said "I wish to be in a place where nobody can find me". Wanda turned to Cosmo, looking at him for their next move. "Uhhh I don't know Timmy, the last time you wished for something like this it didn't go so well..." Cosmo stuttered as he scratched the back of his head with his wand.

Timmy just glared into the wall, "I know what I'm doing" he replied with no emotion. "Now just grant my wish". Wanda gripped her wand, "Listen sport, I know it's hard for you but maybe you should just think this-" "I ALREADY THOUGHT THIS THROUGH!! NOW WOULD YOU JUST GRANT MY DAMN WISH BEFORE I HAVE JORDAN REPLACE YOU!!!!!" he yelled and he stood up.

Timmy didn't know if a kid could get a replacement godparent but it didn't matter. It manages to make Wanda fly back from Timmy. Cosmo had a shocked expression on his face. Tears threatened to fall from Wanda's eyes but she just turned away. "Alright sport..", his wish was granted and Timmy disappeared, leaving behind his two godparents.

Timmy appeared in a white plane. There was nothing to be seen, just white. Timmy felt relief but sadness. He sat down and stared into the white abyss. He looked to his right, white. He looked to his left, white. He looked everywhere and all he could see is the blinding white colour. "What is this place?.." he muttered to himself but got the shock of his life when a voice replied.

"I don't know, it's like we're on a white sheet of paper!" said the familiar voice. "Spongebob! What- How-?" Timmy questioned as he faced his square friend. Spongebob had a bundle of string wrapped around his right shoulder and was holding onto what looked like the rest of the string. "I don't know how you got here Timmy but I think it has something to do with this string here. I've been pulling it all day and it still hasn't ended!" exclaimed the sponge as he continued to pull the string, Timmy watched as the string tore part of the ground and the white floor turned black.

"Wait, how are you doing that?!" Timmy asked, intrigued by what the sponge was doing. "I don't know, all I did was pull this string" Spongebob simply replied. Spongebob started walking towards where the string was heading, and Timmy decided to tag along. "So what is it? Is it like some kind of string of doom?" Timmy asked as he watched the string tear apart the once-white floor to black. "No, it started when I found a loose thread on Squidward's collar. He allowed me to pull it out but it kept on going until now".

They continued to follow where the string led. Timmy couldn't lie but watching the string being pulled was satisfying. Maybe it's like those weird satisfying videos you watch on Youtube, but as a bonus, you get to watch the world disappear thread by thread.

Spongebob stopped abruptly causing Timmy to bump into him. Spongebob quickly muttered an apology and spoke "Why have you been so quiet? You're acting different". This caused Timmy to cringe and this went unnoticed by Spongebob. He dropped the string from his shoulder and the thread he was pulling. He walked next to Timmy and sat down, Timmy followed and awkwardly sat next to him. They sat like that for a while, before Spongebob broke the silence.

"You're not ok, are you?", Timmy didn't know why Spongebob's voice was suddenly so calming and nurturing. His tears threatened to emerge but he didn't want to surrender just yet. "W-what makes you say that? I'm always awesome" he boasted, trying to slowly move away from the subject. Spongebob didn't buy it, "I'm gonna be real with you Timmy..". At that moment Timmy knew he couldn't escape, especially when Spongebob used his serious voice. And that wasn't common.

"I haven't been very honest with everyone.." Spongebob started, Timmy gave him a confused look. "..I may smile all the time, laugh all the time, sing kiddy songs, play bubbles and catch jellyfish. But honestly, when I say I'm doing great. That's mostly a lie..." Timmy's eyes widened as he continued " hurts me to see my friends down in the gutters, so I try my best to cheer them up. Usually I end up annoying them to the point where they all went on an away-from-Spongebob holiday..." tears starting to fall. "..even my own best friend found me annoying. But y'know what?.." he asked as he smiled at Timmy, "..when I saw the smile on their faces after they returned, they looked so happy. And to watch them be so happy, made me feel happy. Even though it hurts me knowing that they were happier without me..".

Timmy watched as Spongebob's tears fall down his face. Timmy thought over what Spongebob had said. But one thing didn't make sense, "why are you telling me this?" Timmy asked. Spongebob smiled fondly and replied "It's okay to be sad or angry at those who treated you badly. I know you're trying to hide it to preserve your delinquent teen reputation but trust me. Hiding your pain can kill you on the inside more than losing your reputation". Timmy suddenly felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders and he finally bawled out crying.

Spongebob scooted closer and hugged the child closer to him. He cried like there was no tomorrow, and when he finally stopped Spongebob reassured him that everything may not seem great now, but it will soon. They sat in comfortable silence until Timmy broke it. "Ok, now don't try lying your way out of this one. How did you know I needed that?" Timmy laughed. Spongebob smiled...

"...I didn't.."


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