New Recipes (💞+🧽)

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This scenario takes place in Ponyville. Pinkie Pie suddenly becomes a better cook than a baker and it surprised her friends. It didn't take long for them to realise her new recipes were 'different' than her normal recipes, where did she get these new recipes?
Just a reminder, I don't know if they even eat meat....?? But I'm just gonna assume they do cuz ponies/horses do eat meat irl soooo, yeah.

"Oh, Dear Celestia! This is amazing~" moaned Rarity as she took in another bite of the lasagne Pinkie made for her. Pinkie smiled from the kitchen as she watched her friend engulf her dish, "I'm so glad you like it!" she said as she washed the remaining dishes away. "I must say this is the best lasagna I've ever tasted. When did you learn to cook lasagna?" Rarity asked as she took a spoon full of lasagna into her mouth. "Ohh! Uhh, I just learned it myself..." She laughed awkwardly but luckily for her, Rarity was too busy enjoying her lasagna.

The Next Day~

"Wow Pinkie, what's all this?" asked Twilight as she walked through the doors of Sugarcube Corner. "This is for lunch, I invited you and the girls so we can enjoy it together!" she cheered. Twilight laughed at her enthusiasm then turned to the lunch on the table. (I'm too tired to come up with the menu for this lunch so just imagine something you would normally eat when you're at some fancy restaurant). Twilight was about to ask her when did she find the time to come up with all these new recipes until the rest of her friends arrived. She decided to ask another time. For now, it's time to enjoy this wonderful lunch!

After Lunch~

"Hey Pinkie, I was wondering how did you come up with these new recipes?" Asked Twilight as she helped Pinkie with the dishes, Pinkie remained silent for a bit but quickly answered the question "Oh uhh, I just made it myself. Not entirely myself, I know. I have this... friend, who helps me" she stuttered. Twilight took note of her strange behaviour but decided not to push further, "oh I see, well I give my compliments to both of you!" joked Twilight and earned a giggle from Pinkie.

A few Days Later~

"Twilight, what are you doing?" asked Rainbow Dash to Twilight who was hiding in the clouds. "How did you know I was here?" Twilight questioned as she poke her head out. Rainbow Dash pointed to her tail that was dangling out of the cloud, Twilight quickly stuffed her tail back in the cloud and continued her spying. "Ahem..?!" "Oh sorry, I'm spying on Pinkie Pie. I want to see where she's learning to cook all the delicious food she served us the other day" she explained. "Really Twilight? Its Pinkie! She knows a lot of things-" Twilight shushed Rainbow Dash when a certain pony was leaving Sugarcube Corner. She teleported away leaving a very annoyed Rainbow Dash.

Twilight continued to follow Pinkie but it was difficult. With Pinkie's unnatural way of moving, it was hard for Twilight to keep up. She almost lost her a few times. Twilight hid behind some bushes as she followed Pinkie to wherever she was going this time. Then out of the blue, Pinkie stopped in front of the crater entrance to the Mirror Pool. She hopped in, Twilight following after her. Twilight tiptoed her way down the path, she had to be very careful because the path was very sturdy. When she finally arrived at the bottom, she quickly hid behind a boulder hopping Pinkie won't see her. Unfortunately, when she peeked out to look, she was gone. Oh, Paperclips! I've lost her...


"PINKIE!! You made it!" cheered a happy sponge who was waiting patiently outside his pineapple home. "SPONGEBOB!!" Pinkie launched herself towards the sponge intending to tackle him and give him a big hug. But due to the density of the water surrounding her, her 'launched' looked more like a 'trip'. Spongebob laughed his signature laugh, "Still having trouble adjusting to the underwater lifestyle I see. I thought that potion could help you with that?". "Nope, it only helps me to breathe underwater, not move underwater. Besides, I kinda like floating around" Pinkie smiled as she swam her way to the sponge.

"What took you so long anyway?" asked Spongebob as he locked his door. "My pinkie senses were tingling again!" whispered Pinkie, her face so close to the sponge their noses were touching (nose-boop!). The two walked along the path, Pinkie still explaining. "My pinkie senses keep telling me that I'm being watched, then my pinkie senses went off again! But this time, it felt like someone was following me. So I decided to shake whoever they were off my tail, and it worked!" cheered Pinkie as she finished her explanation. Spongebob smiled widely, "That's great! I hope whoever it was stopped bothering you... OH, looky here! We made it." the two finally made it to Jellyfish Fields. Pinkie smiled widely, "Hooray! I can't wait to catch a jellyfish". "Now now, there are many ways to catch a jellyfish. And lucky for you, I'm an expert!" Spongebob exclaimed as he pulled out Ol' Reliable and another jellyfish net.

"Here, I got you one the other day. I hope you don't mind" said Spongebob as he handed Pinkie the net. "Are you kiddin'? I love it!" gasped Pinkie as she took the net. "C'mon! These jellyfish aren't gonna catch themselves, RACE YA!" and with that Spongebob flew up in the air and caught three jellyfish in one swing. He ran towards a group of jellyfish leaving Pinkie in the bubbles, "Hey! No fair!" laughed out Pinkie Pie as she tried to chase after her new best friend.


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