Fight (👻🧽🪄🧬)

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This takes place in Casper High School, Danny wanted to introduce Timmy, Jimmy and Spongebob to Sam and Tucker and his school until trouble arrives.

"Well look who it is! The freaks!" insulted Dash, Kwan and Star following behind him like ducklings. "You've got to be kidding me..." mumbled Tucker as the others turned towards the jock. "Hey look, Fenton brought more freaks to the school" they laughed as Danny glared at them, "Could ya just leave us alone for one day?!". Dash pretended to think over the question, "Nah!" he then proceeds to shove Danny causing him to knock into Jimmy and Timmy who caught him. "Hey knucklehead! Leave him alone, who do you think you are?!" yelled Timmy, Dash stopped laughing and grabbed Timmy by his hoodie and pushed him up against the locker.

"Who do you think you are beaver boy?!" he asked, Kwan and Star laughed in the background. "This is absolutely unnecessary, put him down!" addressed Jimmy. This time Kwan spoke, "and who might you be? Megamind's son?!", Dash and Star laughed hysterically now. "Stop it Dash! What is this about?!" yelled Sam. "Oh nothing, I just wanted to mock you freaks but since you decided to fight back..." he then raised his fist and punched Timmy in the stomach.

Timmy groaned in pain as he fell to the ground, "Hey stop that!" yelled a voice from behind them. Everyone turned and saw an angry sponge glaring down at Dash, Kwan joked "and look who it is, its a talking cheese!" the three of them continued laughing. Spongebob glared but then he laughed. This shocked both the bullies and his friends. Spongebob walked closer to Dash and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Its funny how you think I'm a cheese when I'm obviously a sponge. I guess its the same as me thinking you are big scary bullies when you're obviously cowards" Spongebob said in a calm but joking manner. Dash stared at the sponge who was still smiling brightly. Then the grip on Spongebob's hand tighten on Dash's shoulder. "Ouch.." muttered Dash quietly to himself, "listen here..." Spongebob said, pulling Dash closer to him. "You punch my friend again, or even lay a finger on them. You're gonna have to deal with me. And trust me buddy, you do not want to mess with a sea sponge, especially this sea sponge. You dont know the things I've seen in my lifetime and I promise you its nothing like anything you've seen on land." he emphasises on the 'land'. Dash winced as the grip on his should became stronger and stronger as he spoke.

"Hey man, you're hurting me-" "y'know who else you're hurting? My Friends!" Spongebob chuckled, Kwan and Star had disappeared to thin air when they saw the sponge become more aggressive "now I would really appreciate a heartfelt apology from you to my friends, pretty please" Spongebob politely ordered. Dash wanted to fight back but he felt his shoulder was at the brink of breaking so he surrendered. "Okey okey! I'm sorry Fenton, I'm sorry for bothering you and your friends! I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry. There, you happy?!" he yelled the last statement to the sponge. Spongebob using his spongy abilities to stretch his legs to make him the same height as Dash, it was Dash's turn to back up against the lockers "Very" exclaimed the sponge. He released his grip on Dash, Dash released a relieved sigh but quickly left the scene.

Spongebob then returned to his normal height, "you must be Tucker and Sam! Danny talks fondly of you two" smiled Spongebob as he reached out a hand to shake theirs, his squeaky shoes squeaking behind him as he walked over to them. "...and you must be Spongebob, Danny talks alot about you too.." Sam stated as she reached her hand out to shake his, Tucker was hiding behind Sam. "Uhh I suggest we bring Turner to the medical room" implied Jimmy who was trying to help Timmy stand up. "Oh dear neptune, you're right!" cried Spongebob. And without hesitation, Spongebob stretched his arms out towards Timmy and carried him over his head, "C'mon Timmy, I know where the medical room is" and with that Spongebob ran off carrying Timmy above his head with no problem.

Man do sponge abilities rock or what (OwO)

"Thats Spongebob for ya" Danny said as they walked towards the medical room. "Y'know what, he's not so bad" said Tucker who finally moved away from behind Sam, Sam just rolled her eyes. "Just wait until you taste his cooking" Jimmy added on.


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