Friendship is....? (⚖️+💞)

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Sombra escaped from his banishment and is now in the DC Universe. The Justice League need help but who would help them?

Batman was running. He's a runner. He's a track star. He's one of them, but he had to focus. The Justice League was losing badly to an unseen force. Whatever it was, it kept attacking them by emerging what seems to be black crystals out of the ground. The crystals are very powerful. Superman tried laser-beaming them but they wouldn't crack. Not only that, shadow-like tentacles kept coming out of nowhere and throwing punches at them. Batman hid behind a huge boulder, he observed the scene that was going on. Batman knew whatever power... no.. magic they were facing was not from their world.

"Hiya!" A voice called out from behind him. He jerked back, facing whatever it was that crept behind him. It was a horse! No, wait, a pony? But ponies aren't pink. Batman stared at the creature. Whatever it was smiling at him. Was it taunting him? Was it planning something? Was it an associate with the unseen force that they have been battling with for over 2 hours- "you look funny! Why do you look like that? Wanna be friends? My name is Pinkie Pie, what's yours? Why are you hiding? Are we suppose to hide? *GASPS Are we playing hide n seek?!? WHO'S IT?!!" giggles the pony as it frantically moved around Batman.

Before Batman could reply, an explosion suddenly could be heard. No, thunder. Shazam, Batman thought. He turned back to the pink pony, he concluded that this creature was not harmful. It reminded him of Harley Quinn but is less violent and had more of a kinder persona. "Pinkie, right? I'm Batman. Those people that are fighting, those are my..." he hesitated for a moment. "They are my... associates. Whatever that thing is, it is trying to destroy our world.." another explosion could be heard in the distance but louder.

"OOOOOoooooohhhh you mean King Sombra?" asked Pinkie Pie as she pointed towards the chaos. "You know that thing?" Asked Batman, the pony nodded her head childishly. "You don't have to worry about him, my friends are on their way as soon as they get the Elements of Harmony" cheered Pinkie. "Elements of What!?" Yelled Batman as another explosion went off somewhere near their hiding place. "Yeah, it represents six important elements. Laughter, that's me! Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness and Magic!!" Pinkie raised her voice at the word 'Magic'. Whatever these elements are, they must be powerful, Batman thought. "How do you... use... these elements?" questioned Batman as he watched Superman trying to break the crystals surrounding Wonder Woman.

"I and my friends are the only ones that can activate them... I think" chuckled Pinkie. Batman didn't realise he was frowning the whole time. He didn't get much sleep last night and now he was fighting something from another universe. "Didn't get much sleep huh?" asked Pinkie. Batman wasn't surprised but was still surprised. Out of all the statements or accusations she could've chosen, she asked if he didn't get enough sleep. "How did you-" "Just a hunch" smiled the pony. Possibly a telepath concluded Batman.

Before he could question further, the pony's ear started twitching. Pinkie gasped, "We need to move, Now!" without hesitation Pinkie pushed Batman out from behind the boulder. Before he could yell at the pony for its stupid action, a crystal suddenly emerged from under the boulder, splitting it in half. One piece landed next to Batman, almost crushing his legs if he hadn't crawled back in time. the other was about to land on Pinkie. "Uh oh" muttered Pinkie, she was frozen in her spot. Batman quickly took out his grappling hook and shot it at Pinkie. It tied around the pony's hoof and he reeled her away. The boulder then landed and crushed the ground below it.

Batman exhaled in relief but Pinkie just continued laughing, "Oh My Celestia, that was amazing! Let's do it again!!" she hopped happily around the dark knight who was still laying on the ground. "Pinkie!!" Yelled another voice, Batman stood up. He examined his surroundings trying to locate the source of the voice. "Rainbow Dash!!" Pinkie cried out, waving her hoof to the sky. Batman followed her gaze, and then he spotted another pony, but it had wings and a rainbow mane. Rainbow Dash finally spotted Pinkie and flew down to her. "We've got the elements, all we need to do is get in there, fight off King Sombra and we can banish him back to wherever he came from!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

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