Lapis Lazuli (🐢+💎)

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(You are a lapis lazuli. Your main purpose is to terraform earth and its inhabitants. But you are quite different than other lapides. Despite being created to terraform planets, you've come to realise the Diamonds weren't worthy of your devotion or your sacrifices. After all the things they've done to you.)

"So you don't eat?"

"Nor do you sleep?"

"Do you ever need to go to the bathroom?"

"Of course you would ask that."

"Hey! I can ask whatever I want!"

You stared awkwardly at the four creatures. You did not know what they were but Earth seemed to inhabit the strangest mortal creatures from all planets you had ever encountered. The only reason you have managed to differentiate between the four creatures was because of their coloured headbands. You find them quite entertaining, which is why you abandoned your duties to speak with them.

"Please, I apologise on behalf of my brothers. They lack mannerisms as you can see." The purple one says with an annoyed tone, still glancing at the red and orange. You only chuckle,

"That is fine, it is wonderful to finally talk to someone!".

Which is true, you never really get to talk to anybody on Homeworld. You do your job, accomplish your goal, return, get assigned to a new one and repeat.

"What's your planet like?" The blue one asked with an excited smile, ignoring the red and orange one's bickering.

"Ah, busy." You replied with no further information which only made the blue one tilt his head.

"Busy?" He raised a brow in confusion.

"Yes, busy. Y'know, colonising planets and turning them into resources for Homeworld." You explained which only made the red one turn his focus to you.

"Colonise? You're gonna colonise Earth?!" He accused in an intimidating tone.

You tilt your head. "Hmmm no. I find this planet enjoyable! The Diamonds can find other planets to colonise but I like this one." you say as you look at the night sky above them.

The four creatures gave a confused and sceptical look at you.

"Diamonds? Who are they?" The blue one asked you again.

"Our commanders. They're the ones who created us from the resources of planets they've colonised. We were made to serve them and devote our energy to them to help expand their colony and kingdom" you say with such passion, you won't lie, you sound a little deranged. But you won't lie about this as well, you still have a little admiration for the Diamonds. Especially your Diamond, Blue Diamond.

"Yeah.. totally not creepy. So, that's why you don't eat or sleep?" The red one crossed his arms and stared at you sceptically.

"Yes! I mean, what use would I be to my Diamonds if I were to slack off and take time for myself? I would be completely useless!" You chuckled at your joke but the other four did not laugh along.

"Huh, it's almost like you see them as your God." The purple one says which makes you tilt your head.

"Of course I do, they're the only purpose I'm alive." You cringed after the words left your lips.

It's almost like the words coming out of your mouth weren't yours. It's like it was programmed into you. To always praise the Diamonds. Love the Diamonds. Sacrifice for the Diamonds. It makes your throat itch. Your words earned a disgusted look from the red one.

"That's... fucked up."

"Raph!" The blue one glared at the red one.

"He is right. It is quite the mindset to have. But, it is accustomed to me that I don't know what to do without it." You said, giving a sad smile.

"Hey! Don't overthink it dudette! We got you covered! We'll help you through this." The orange one said reassuringly as gave you a side hug.

It was an odd feeling you felt in your stomach and chest. It felt, warm.

"Look, even tho we just met a couple of hours ago. You seem cool. Pathetic, but cool." The red one said with a smirk.

The blue one glanced at the red one and smiled at you, "Raph is right. You're cool and we liked talking with you. We should hang out more!" he said excitedly.

You looked confused. "Why would we hang? Shouldn't we enjoy the company of each other instead?" You asked which only earned you confused stares.

"That's what I-"

"That is it! You're coming with us." The red one swung a hand around you and led you somewhere.

"Was it something I said?" You asked nervously

"Nonono, we're just gonna 'enjoy each other's company' while we teach you common slang. You're part of the gang now. Welcome, the name is Raphael." The red one says with slight sarcasm in his voice.

The purple one catches up next to the both of you, "I'm Donatello-and Raph please be careful her gem- (Your gem is on your chest. He is worried Raphael's strong grasp around you might shatter your gem even tho it won't.). She did mention moments ago that their gems are practically their hearts and you should-"

"I know what I'm doing, Donnie," Raphael grumbled to Donatello.

A hand gently pats your shoulder.

"Leonardo. Don't worry, they mean well." Leonardo reassures you of his other two brother's behaviour.

"And if you ever get bored of these three losers, you can hang out with me! Michelangelo!" The orange one spoke with a wide smile.

Your blank expression turned to one of fondness and you smiled. This is exactly the interaction you wish to perceive back on Homeworld.

You just chuckled as the five of you walked out of the alleyway and onto the dimly lit streets to enjoy a nice group 'hang out' together with your new company.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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