The Muffin Man (⚗️+💞)

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Bubbles keeps leaving bed in the middle of the night and this went unnoticed by Blossom and Buttercup, so one night they stood up to see what she was doing.

"Yo, Blossom. Tell me why are we not in bed snoring into dreamland but instead hiding in the kitchen cabinets." Buttercup asked. Blossom turned to her sister, "Didn't you listen to me this morning? I explained the plan to you like five times!" she scolded. "Nah I heard ya, but the stuff you said didn't enter my brain." she joked, Blossom rolled her eyes. Typical Buttercup.

"Wouldn't she realise we're not in bed with her?" "Well if you'd just remembered the plan, she won't realise because I told her we went on a sleepover with our friends" Blossom explained. Buttercup just nodded and went back to sitting in the corner of the small cabinet.

After what felt like hours, they heard their bedroom door open and shut. The two sisters quietly crawled out of the cabinets and peeked around the corner. They watched as Bubbles sat on the living room couch as if she was waiting for someone.

"Are we expecting someone?" Buttercup asked, but before Blossom could answer, a faint knocking could be heard from the front door. The knocking had a rhythm to it like the knocking was a secret password. Bubbles excitedly jumped in the air and flew in to open the front door.

She opened the door and there stood a pegasus! A grey pegasus with a golden mane and tail. Its eyes seemed to be crosseyed and it had a weird bubble tattoo on its butt. "Derpy!!" smiled Bubbles, jumping in for a hug. The pegasus hugged the blonde tighter, "Bubbles! How've you been? Did you like the muffins I baked last night?" the pegasus known as Derpy asked. "Oh, they were delicious!! Thank you very much," smiled Bubbles.

Blossom and Buttercup watched as Bubbles invited the pegasus into the living room. Unfortunately, Buttercup had her head poked out too much and was spotted by the pony. "Oh hey! You didn't tell me we had more visitors, I would've made more muffins!" Gleed the pony. Bubbles looked over to her sisters who were smiling awkwardly from the kitchen. "Oh! Hey guys, meet Derpy! She's from Ponyville. Derpy, these are my sisters, Blossom and Bubbles" the blonde introduced. The pony waved her hoof to the sisters and the sisters did the same.

After being introduced, Derpy pulled out a box of muffins for them to share. Let's just say they went to bed with a full stomach.

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