Baking (👻🧬🧽🪄+🤖)

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-Inspired by the video above at 0:40-
Jenny finally joins the baking competition after Spongebob tutors her and gives her some tips. Danny, Jimmy and Timmy all join Spongebob in the competition to support Jenny.

Danny takes out his video camera to record the moment, he switches it on and faces the audience. The audience was divided into two sides allowing people to walk through the middle and take their seats. They were sitting to the right of the stage, 4 rows from the exit, Spongebob sitting near the exit, then Timmy, Jimmy and Danny sitting inside next to him.

"Let's get this started! I wonder if they let us have a go at the taste testing?" wondered Timmy, Jimmy rolled his eyes "I doubt it, Turner..". Danny was still holding the video camera recording his surroundings. He then faces the video camera to his friends, Timmy waves to it and Jimmy just smiles. Spongebob on the other hand just fidgets with his fingers. Looking to the ground. "I wonder what they're gonna bake?" questions Timmy, Jimmy takes out the pamphlet to read the timeline and answers "Apparently for the first round, they need to bake a blueberry pie". "Hey Spongebob!" Danny suddenly calls out, Spongebob raised his head as a sign of acknowledgement to Danny. "The camera is rolling, wanna say anything before the competition starts?" Jimmy asks as he points to the camera. Spongebob looks at his friends, and then at the video camera. "Let us pray"



Timmy: Woah, now that was just mean...

Jimmy: Exactly. Spongebob, she can't possibly be that terrible-

backstage: *explosion noises

Danny: *switches video camera off

Jimmy: My mistake...

Spongebob: *sighs

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