5. A Nostalgic Reunion

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Y/N Pov

What should I say? Should I even speak?? What do I do in this situation??? I get lost in my head for a moment, but Mitsuri starts to speak.

"Do you remember us?"

She looks at me with such a sad expression, her words sound fragile. I feel a pang in my chest.

'....I don't think so, I'm sorry'

I give her a sad smile. Wait. That weird memory yesterday, are those kids these people?

'I do have one memory, something I recently remembered. I was sitting next to a girl with brown hair who looked to be 10 or 11 years old. She was laughing at me for the serious look on my face while I was practicing total consentration. A boy with flame looking hair laughed, but continued with the lesson.'

I see Mitsuri's eyes start to water; Kyojuro looks stunned. Ah! Did I make her upset? Why is she crying??

"That was me, I was the girl with the brown hair! Rengoku was teaching us total concentration and I fell to the ground laughing that day. I couldn't help but laugh, you looked so funny while trying to be serious y/n~"

Mitsuri wiped her tears and started giggling. I saw Rengoku's face soften and he smiled lightly. I was unsure of what to say next, the atmosphere felt happy and I didn't want to ruin that.

"Mitsuri was always laughing when I trained you. I'm glad to see you're still alive and in good health y/n."

I feel like crying, but why? Seeing his smiling face makes me happy, but I can't exactly tell why. I flash him a half hearted smile.

'I'm sorry, but I don't have any memories besides that. I'll try my best to remember!'

Kyojuro and Mitsuri look me in the eyes and smile brightly. I smile back happily, I feel like I am going to be smiling more from now on. Aoi slides open the door and wheels in a cart with lunch.


I walk Rengoku and Mitsuri to the gate and say goodbye. Mitsuri said she would stop by tomorrow and have lunch with me again. The thought of speaking with her again, It makes me happy. As they start walking down the path, Mitsuri turns back and waves at me. I wave back and smile to her. I watch as they get farther and farther down the path, and I sigh. It would have been nice to talk longer with them, maybe they could have told me more about my past.. I turn to walk back to the mansion, but Tomioka is standing a few feet away. I jump back in confusion and my shoulder hits the gate. He didn't even flinch, but I could hear his breathing stop for a second.

"Have you mastered total concentration constant?"

I move off the gate and rub my shoulder for a moment.

'I don't have it mastered yet, I can only hold total consentration breathing for a couple hours.."

His eyes flinch, but his face stays emotionless. I make eye contact with him and wait for his next words. His eyes are so beautiful....

"We'll start your training tonight then."

I didn't even get to respond before he turned and walked into the butterfly mansion.

Second Person Pov

"Every time you stop your total concentration I will force you awake."

'What?!? I have to maintain that while I sleep?'

Giyuu nods at you and your mouth is agape, shocked at what he just said.

'How am I supposed to maintain that while sleeping? That's impossible.'

"Every hashira, and even a few of our other corps members have mastered total concentration breathing. Remaining in that state proves your strength."

You lay down in bed, Giyuu sitting on a chair to your right. Your hands feel sweaty and you are uncomfortable with his gaze on you. You look at the ceiling and start to feel your eyes become heavy. Just as you begin to fall asleep, Giyuu smacks you with a wooden stick.

"Try again."

You wince at the slight pain on your abdomen, and you look him in the eyes angrily. He is unaffected by your stare and maintains eye contact. You look back to the ceiling still mad and your cross your arms. You hear a very slight, very light chuckle for a brief moment and you turn to look at him again. His face is still calm.

'Did you laugh just now?'

His eyes grow wide for a second and he glances at you before looking away. You hear his heart stop for a moment. Before you have time for another thought, he hits you again.


'I didn't stop total concentration, why'd you hit me??'

He doesn't answer you, just looks away. You scrunch your face and turn on your side away from him. You focus on your breathing and try to fall back asleep. You replay his reaction to your question in your mind. He looked so shocked. You try to fall back asleep, but sleep eludes you.

After turning restlessly in bed, you turn back to Tomioka. He looks to be deep in thought; his aura is so sad. You stare at him a little longer before speaking.

'Are you okay?'

He stares out the window, the moonlight shining in. You hear a bird chirp in the distance, it's melody pleasant and calm. Giyuu doesn't respond to your question. Why is he so sad? I wish I could help... You sit up in bed and swing your feet over the side, placing you feet on the cool flooring. The blue eyed man does not react to your movement.

You instinctively reach out your hand, but flinch and retract once you see what you were doing. I want to comfort him, but why...? You hesitate for a moment before reaching your hand out slowly again. You place your hand on his shoulder and you feel him stiffen under your fingers before he returns to his normal calm state. He turns his head to look at you and you lock eyes.

'I don't know what you've gone through Tomioka, but if you ever need a friend... I'm here for you'

His empty face turns to shock and you hear his heart skip a beat. You give him a small smile and remove your hand from his shoulder. As you begin to lay back down he lightly hits you with the wooden stick.

"You stopped again."

His voice sounded less empty when he spoke, instead of indifference, he sounded as if he was attempting to tolerate you.

'I'll try again.'

(1104 words)

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