23. Unanswered

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A quiet but persistent knock on the front door annoyed Shinobu awake. She sits up frustratedly and readjusts her nightwear. Her eye twitches rapidly as she stands.

Giyuu readjusts his grip on you as he continues knocking. On his walk to the butterfly mansion he chose to carry you on his back. Your arms are slung over his shoulders, your legs loosely hanging around his waist.

To keep you on his back as he knocks, Giyuu has bent his upper body forwards and has his other hand carefully holding your leg in place.

He hears the door quickly open and an annoyed huff.

"This better be good Tomioka."

He slowly lifts his head and grabs your other leg with his hand. He jumps a little to readjust your passed out body.

"She's injured."

Shinobu stands on her tip toes to try and see your face, but your hair obscures her vision. She quickly glances at your bloody arms and hands resting over his shoulders and just above his chest.

"What happened to her?"

She moves back into the mansion and Giyuu follows suit, not bothering to attempt and close the front door.

Shinobu doesn't look back when she doesn't get a response, just sighs in frustration.

"You wake me up for an injured person, but don't even bother to tell me how she got hurt?"

Shinobu slides a door open and points to a bed as she walks towards her supply cabinet. Giyuu carefully lays you down on the bed and removes the hair from your face.

"Would you at least mind telling me if she's hurt anywhere else?"

Giyuu sits down on a chair beside your bed and sighs.

"... Just her hands. Maybe her back."

Shinobu walks towards your bed and finally gets a look at your unconscious face.

"Tomioka what did you do to her??"

Giyuu doesn't say anything, just looks at your bloodied hands and slightly scrunches his nose. Shinobu is about to snap, she just knows it. She sets the tray of supplies down and walks Infront of Giyuu.

"What happened Tomioka?"

Giyuu opens his mouth to speak but decides against it. He looks towards the floor.

Shinobu grabs the collar of his bloodied uniform and pulls harshly.

"She was already injured, and now she's got more to worry about," Shinobu let's go of his collar and softens her look. "Can you please just tell me what happened?"

She steps back from Giyuu and begins cleaning your hands. The gashes aren't super deep, but still looked painful and rugged. Just as she finished cleaning your left hand, your body shifted around in the bed and you peeled your eyes open slowly.

You see a very angry Shinobu standing over you and a melancholic Giyuu sitting on a chair at the end of the bed.

'How long was I out for?'

Shinobu lays your clean hand down and begins to work on cleaning your other one. The sting of the cloth brushing against your open cuts make you hiss.

"A few hours."

You nod your head and lay it back down against the plush pillow.

"Would you care to enlighten me on how you got these cuts y/n? Giyuu refuses to tell me."

You gulp, afraid of how to word it.

No matter what I say, she's going to be pissed..

You try to sit up, but instantly regret it. A shooting pain goes up your back and you groan in pain.

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