18. It's a Little.... Windy?

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Maybe Udon for dinner tonight? Yeah, that sounds good

Your walk to the village was as uneventful as always. The dirt path is still dirt, the trees are still trees, and the wind pillar is still training in the middle of the forest.


You do a double take to your left. You see the ever angry wind hashira aggressively slashing at the innocent trees. You sigh before continuing on your way.

It's none of my business anyhow

Just as soon as you start walking again, you stop and look to the wind pillar. His bandages on the arm you wrapped today are loose and bloody.

He's an idiot. I just bandaged that a few hours ago...

You huff aggressively and scrunch your face up. The irritation you feel for the man is building slowly with each swing he takes. You watch for a few moments before boiling over.


Immediately after yelling out to him, you feel your face drain of all colour. You realized your mistake too late and now the wind pillar is glaring at you from where he stands.

SHIT! Oh I am so done for, I'm dead, my life is over, never to be seen again-

As you continue to internally panic, you lose awareness of your surroundings. Everything around you becomes a blur of mixed colours.

I wonder if they'll ever find my bo-

A harsh flick on your forehead brings you back to reality.

'OW! What the hell??'

You look up and meet the annoyed eyes of the feral wind pillar. You place on hand on your forehead and rub it to help numb the stinging pain. You glare back with the same amount of venom he is giving you.

'What did I do to deserve that Shinazugawa?'

You squint your eyes at him and wait for a response.

"What rank are you?"

Your intense death glare is disrupted when you blink.

'I am a Tsuchinoto, why does that matter?'

The white haired man laughs a few times and sheathes his sword. You send him a questioning look and lower your hand back at your side.

"It doesn't matter.'

Then why the hell did you ask?

'Your wound most likely reopened.'


You huff and make eye contact with him.

'It won't heal if you keep reopening it. You're a hashira, you should know this.'

He moves his arm a couple times and glances down at the bandages.

"Should've tied the bandage tighter than."

You roll your eyes in annoyance, you can hear that he is definitely enjoying annoying you.

'Do you have another roll of gauze?'

The wind pillar scoffs.

"Why the hell would I have bandages with me?"

'What do you do when you're on missions and get injured then?'

"Finish my mission, get treated later. No reason to stop because of a damn injury."

You blink a few times at him, not really surprised with his answer. You put your hands in your pockets and rummage for any bandages you might be carrying.

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