20. Closer

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The next morning you wake up feeling groggy and socially exhausted, but you force yourself up.

The day has just started, but you already hated it. The sun glared in through the window, and you swear you could feel the light shift just enough to be directly in your eyes.


You groaned at the brightness. You moved your tired body slightly to the left of your bed, hoping to evade the sun, but the sun followed.


You slowly sit up and stretch your arms out, eyes still closed. You turn your head to the side and open your dry eyes, sleepiness still heavy on your eyelids.

You stand and stretch your legs, as you look around, you realize you're still in your uniform. You cautiously raise your arm and inhale a couple times.

Oh yeah, definitely a wash day today

You peel off your haori and hang it over the chair at your desk. You open the door to your room and head down the stairs. As you walk down the hall you hear the sounds of deep sleep and sigh.

I drank just as much as them, but they're still sleeping?

You laugh a little as you make your way to the bathroom door. You knock lightly, waiting for any potential response. After a moment of silence, you open the door and walk inside. You close and lock the door behind you.

The western style bathroom had a beautiful standing shower and all of the hair and body products you can imagine. Attached to one of the walls was a washer and drier, adjacent to the washer was a single laundry hamper, it seemed to be full of Mitsuri's clothes.

Forgot my hamper.. great

You unlock the bathroom door and quickly sprint back upstairs to grab your dirty clothes. You quietly but quickly make your way back to the bathroom with your full hamper. You relock the door and strip off your dirty uniform.

Carefully dumping the clothes in the washer, you pour in a small amount of liquid soap and then begin the cycle. You're grateful that Mitsuri loves western style items, otherwise you'd still be doing all laundry by hand and your bed wouldn't be as comfortable.

You turn on the shower and look at the shelves of body products. You try to remember which bottle is which most aren't labeled and some are homemade. You grab your bar of soap and a milky purple looking liquid hoping it is hair wash.


After your shower, you trim the ends of your hair carefully and check over your bruise in the mirror. It's very difficult to see, but it does look quite dark.

I guess I got hit harder than I thought

You slide a towel around your body, and put your hair in a towel as well. You move your clothes over to the drier and slide open the door to the bathroom. You listen for any disturbances in the house, but it sounds like everyone is still sleeping.

You quickly and carefully make your way back to your room and lock the door behind you. You open your closet and rummage for something to wear for today as all of your normal outfits and uniforms are in the drier.

Sleepwear, sleepwear, doesn't fit... too big... Way too revealing... damn

You refold the items and set them in their proper place.

I completely forgot about these fabrics! I was supposed to make something for Mitsuri.. well, I can always do that another time

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