26. Why Didn't You Tell Me Sooner??

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"Wake up, y/n"

You're unsure who's voice it is calling to you, but they sound so gentle. The multicoloured dream slowly starts to make less and less sense as you begin to wake up.


You slowly blink your eyes open and closed, the brightness in the room too much.

Ughh what time is it?

You turn to face the wall, taking the blankets with you. The colour of the wallpaper doesn't offend your eyes as much as the sun thankfully as you stare at it.

You must have forgotten the presence calling to you earlier as you rub your eyes, sleepiness washing away. You start to think about yesterday, and in turn, Giyuu.

He was so sweet yesterday

You giggle to yourself a little bit and smile. The wall gives no impression that it cares, but you smile anyways.

'I wonder when he'll be back?'

You feel a weight on your bed and immediately turn to see what it is. In your haste, you bang your head against something hard and recoil. Your body still laid on the bed, but with your eyes closed and a hand to wear you hit something.

You hear a light 'oww' and open your eyes in a panic. Above you, you see Giyuu supporting his weight with one hand on your bed, and the other hand holding the side of his head, the pieces all coming together.

He slowly opens his eyes and sucks air through his teeth briefly before glaring down at you. He rubs the sore spot on his head repeatedly, not moving from his spot.

"Wonder when who will be back?"

You still your hand that was massaging the tender spot on your head and feel your face flush red. You open your mouth to speak, but only a breathe passes your lips.

I was wondering when you would be back genius..

You sit there for a moment staring at his eyes as your try to formulate some kind of answer. You get lost, so, so lost in his eyes and almost float away.

"Are you feeling ok?"

A warm hand is placed upon your forehead and you squeek unintentionally. If even possible, you blush even harder.

Think y/n think!

Your thoughts must be racing a mile a minute, Giyuu continues to ask if you're alright as you look feverish. You try to think of anything, anything at all to say or to make up some kind of excuse. His hand wanders from your forehead to your cheeks, the back of his hand cool on your heated face. It doesn't even register in your head that he is touching you at this point.

What did I do yesterday? What can I say that sounds believable???


A fust of wind blows the curtain around and suddenly you get an idea. Finally.

'I was wondering when wind boy would be back for his dumb injuries- yeah, that's right! I was worried about that ass- that guy.'

Giyuu stills his hand on your face and looks at you suspiciously. You gulp anxiously, hoping that he will believe that nonsense.

Suddenly he removed his hand from your face and sighs. You can't tell if this is a good reaction or not.

"Probably soon. He left yesterday, but is always in and out of here."

He moves away from your bed, the weight springing your mattress back up. You finally sit up and look at Giyuu who has plopped himself down on the chair next to your bed.

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