19. Too Strong

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'What do you mean by that, Uzui?'

Mitsuri pours more sake into your cup, Kyojuro fills Uzui's. You quickly down the cup and wait for a response.

"We invite him to eat and drink with us, but he never comes, so unflamboyant!"

Uzui downs his cup and you refill it. You look down at your cup and contemplate what to say next. As you think, Uzui fills your cup.

He's just socially awkward, and probably thinks he's a burden...

'He probably has his reasons for not joining.'

Kyojuro stands from his seat and ushers Uzui to take his place. The flame haired man sits in front of Mitsuri and begins conversation, but you weren't really listening as to what it was about.

"He's awkward as hell, an introvert I guess."

You chuckle softly and grab a Sakura mochi. The first bite is beautifully sweet, and you're thankful to yourself for getting them.

'Giyuu just doesn't know how to converse his feelings well. He's not trying to push people away, at least, I don't think he is.'

Uzui stares at your face in disbelief. You tilt your head at him and take another bite of mochi. You can hear the loud laughter of Kyojuro, but quickly down it out.

'Did I say something wrong?'

The man quickly shakes his head.

"You call him by his first name?"

You nod your head and smile.

'Yeah, he's a friend of mine! He helps me train sometimes, just like Kyojuro.'


You take the last bit of the Sakura mochi and wipe your lips. You meet Uzui's eyes and can almost hear the cogs turning in his head. You can hear his inner dialogue and shake your head quickly.

'First of all, no. Second, you already have three wives?'

You gain a shocked look from the man across from you.

"You can hear my thoughts? How flashy!"

You take a sip from your cup and look away. You can feel your face beginning to flush slowly.

Damn sake, it's way too strong

'You have the same enhanced hearing, although your skills are way beyond mine!'

You and Uzui both laugh. Mitsuri squeals and latches onto Obanai, you can feel his embarrassment from where you sit.

"You've got potential, I'm impressed, very flashy indeed! What rank are you? I'm sure you'll be able to move up the ranks quickly with that ability of yours."

You chuck dryly, not believing his words. You finish your cup of sake, Uzui does as well. As you pour him another cup, your face starts getting even warmer. You look at Uzui as he pours you another cup, his face starting to flush as well, but only lightly.

'Everyone is asking me my rank today, geez. First wind boy, and now you.'

You start to sip on your drink but stop, almost choking in the process. You wipe your mouth quickly.

'That was very rude of me, I-'

Your apology is cut off by a loud laughter erupting from the flashy man. You look over to Kyojuro to see if they said something funny, but he is still chatting away with Mitsuri. As you look bay to Uzui, you see him wipe away a tear from laughing so hard.

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