15. The Madam

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The demon walked away and left you alone in the cell. You start to take in your surroundings, the dark, damp cell you are confined to.

There is a single dirty mat on the ground and a lighted torch just outside of your cell. There is a chain connected to your right leg, the other end of the chain is bolted to the ground.

I can't break this without my sword.. dammit

You pull on the chain just to see how strong it is, unfortunately you wouldn't be able to break it with just your strength.

I wonder if Giyuu even received my message yet..

You get close to the bars and look outside your cell. The cells across from you look to be empty, no sign of life inside.

'Can anyone hear me?'

You wait for a reply, and sign of someone near, but hear nothing. You try to concentrate on the surrounding sounds, and hear slowly approaching footsteps.

That's two.. no three different sets of steps. They don't sound human.

'Who's there?'

Your voice is deep, trying to relay a sense of superiority to the approaching demons. From the direction of the foot steps you hear a quiet laugh, a woman's laugh. She sounds very amused with your attempt to show how unaffected you are.

"The last person to see you alive."

A woman dressed in a dark blue kimono steps into your view, she is accompanied by two large demons. You look over her small frame, she looks to be no older than 15.

"Why have you come demon slayer? You're not really my... type.."

You glare at the woman and get even closer to the bars.

'Women are going missing in this area and I'm here to stop it from happening.'

"Isn't that brave of you! To come here and try to take me down, but you aren't strong enough to do that, are you?"

You look the woman directly in the eyes, her red orbs stare back at you in disgust.

'I might not be that strong, but I'm not alone.'

The woman scoffs, and the two demon men laugh quietly.

"Is it another weakling like you, or is it multiple weaklings?"

You don't respond.

"Unless you brought a hashira, I'm not interested."

You hear footsteps rapidly approaching and smile at the demon girl. You laugh loudly.

"What's so funny."

You laugh again, but this time quieter.

'You said you didn't care unless it was a hashira... Right?'

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, picking up the pace.

'Are you ready to meet one?'

The woman looks confused.

"What are you-"

The two larger demons headless bodies fall to the ground. You look at the scared demon girl as she jumps away from the cell bars.

"Who's there?? What do you want?!?"

The unknown person does not speak, just stands, ready to finish the job.

'You said you wanted a hashira, well, here he is. The water pillar.'


'Thank you for your assistance. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here.'

Giyuu doesn't say anything, just looks at you for a moment before looking away. You truly appreciate him coming to save you, but that doesn't seem to get across to him.

After Giyuu freed you, together you were able to locate your sword and other belonging and clear the rest of the demons in the basement. In the end, there were around 15 demons in total. You killed six, and Giyuu took out the rest. They weren't that strong, more annoying than anything. After you've cleared the demons, you look at Giyuu.

You try to read his expression, but he is as hard to read as ever. You begin opening each of the occupied cells and leading the women outside and back to the town one by one. The women are extremely grateful to both Giyuu and you, and as you appreciate their thanks, Giyuu says nothing out of the standard 'its my job.'

After everyone has been brought back to the village, you stop in front of Giyuu and ask him some questions.

'Where did you run off to before I got captured?'

Your question is quiet, but definitely loud enough for him to hear. He does not respond.

'Why aren't you answering me Giyuu?'


You fight yourself on what to say next. It hurts that he's not answering, but it doesn't surprise you. This is how he is, and how he acts to most people.

You ball your hands into a fist and clench them closed. You try to calm yourself and keep your facial expression neutral.

You can hear his heartbeat speed up, and his irregular breathing, but his face remains unbothered.

Why can't he just talk to me..

You look him in the eyes for just a moment longer, hoping he will say something, anything, but not a word is spoken. You sigh loudly and begin to speak in a monotoned voice.

'I'll meet you back at headquarters.. Tomioka.'

You turn your back on him and begin to start your long walk back home. You hear his heart stop as he takes a sharp breathe in. You keep walking, and hope to hear footsteps behind you.

You feel him grab your hand and place something in it. You turn to look at him for a moment and you swear you can see a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Safe travels y/n."

You watch as he begins his journey back home, his frame slowly getting smaller and smaller. You look down to your hand and see a black winter scarf, it feels soft and high quality.

He got this.. for me...?

You feel the fabric of scarf in your hands and wrap it around your neck.

It's so warm, I should thank him.

You turn to the direction that he stared walking, but he is already gone. You sigh to yourself but begin walking home.

'I guess I'll thank him next time.'

(999 words)

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