1. "Go to Hell, Patrick!"

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TW - Drinking, swearing, smoking.


Another warm and clammy night in the height of summer in Hawkins. Towards the outskirts of town was the old diner, shut down upon the unfortunate death of Benny. The diner was now used as Hawkins Highs number one party zone. The windows are mostly boarded up and the exterior spray painted with a sloppy combination of profanities and "Hawkins High Tigers" propaganda. Fortunately for the students, the power still works, enough anyway for a decent sound system and lights. The music is blaring from the obnoxious sound system in the far corner of the room. A room that used to contain booths, benches and stools, a room that once resembled a family friendly diner is now littered in liquor bottles, cans and cups. Drunken teenagers covering every square inch of the room, entangled in sloppy hook-ups or mundane conversations. The usual party people enthralled in their usual antics. Nobody stepping out of bounds from their social norms; everyone perfectly encased in their social circles, despite school being closed for the summer. In the centre of it all was the mother hive of the party, the social pyramids best and brightest - jocks drinking with jocks - usually with a cheerleader hanging off them. This is were I am. Where I always am. Stuck in the obnoxious social bubble of cheerleaders and jocks, under the watchful eyes of my brother, Jason. Although, I was running late tonight because I'd decided to get my nails done with Chrissy this evening. I liked Chrissy, I guess. It was a friendship of circumstance if truth be told. She was the cheer captain and the coveted girlfriend of my brother. This meant it was "socially correct" for us to be friends. We pre-drank a little after getting our nails done. She, as always, helped me choose something that she thought would be more appealing to the jocks than my usual comfort clothes of jeans or a skirt and t-shirt. Instead she'd insisted on the blue mini-dress my mom got me for my birthday, coupled with converse and my cheer jacket. The colours didn't match, but it was like the law that we wore our cheer jackets to parties, even during the holidays. Like a weird reminder to the world around us that we were the elites.

As soon at we'd arrived at the party, Chrissy made a bee-line for Jason, wrapping her arms around him in a gross display of public affection. I scanned the room for Patrick as I knew I should probably be doing the same. It didn't take long to find him, sitting in the same circle of couches as Jason and the other jocks... with Becky Parker sitting on his lap. Becky was meant to be my friend, but just like Chrissy, the friendships only real focus was that we were both cheerleaders. I felt a white hot rage overcome by body and I stomped through the crowd towards him, greeted by the basketball team cheering him on as he laid the fattest, wettest kiss on Becky's gloss coated lips. "What the fuck, Patrick!?" I shouted, apparently so loud that most of the party came to a standstill, Patrick didn't even remove her from his lap, just had the audacity to look me directly in the eyes.
"Y/N! I'm sorry. It's not what it looks like, babe. We were just messing around!" he spouted, whilst still stroking his giant hand across Becky's bare thigh. "Messing around?! Seriously?! That's what he's calling it?!" I thought, my hands balled into fists like I was ready to punch them both out on the floor in front of everyone.
"Messing around?! Really, Patrick?!" I screeched, I was so fucking mad at him right now. I couldn't stop what I was about to say next, even if I wanted to stop myself, I wouldn't be able to, the words starting to echo through my brain and radiate from the pit of my stomach up into my throat. "Fine! Then consider our 'messing around' over! We're done. Go to hell, Patrick!" I screamed before turning my tear covered face away and storming out onto the porch.

I collapsed down onto the dirty wooden deck beneath me, curled up with my knees to my chest, hanging my head into my lap. The sobbing became uncontrollable and debilitating. I could barely catch my breath anymore, my eyes were stinging from the tears flowing from them as they collided down my flushed cheeks into my lap. I must have been sat there for a good 30 minutes, uncontrollably sobbing. Nobody, and I mean nobody came to find me. Came to see if I was okay. My own brother couldn't tear himself away from his own popularity to check on his sister. I could still hear the muffled sounds of laughter and music from inside, occasionally growing louder and party goers spilled in and out of the entrance. Finally calming myself down, just a little, I heard the shuffling footsteps of sneakers on the wooden decking. "Hey Carver... What's eating you?" I heard from a familiar voice standing next to me, I knew exactly who it was. I didn't even need to look at his face to know it was Eddie fucking Munson, probably come to take a cheap shot as I was already down and without the protection of Jason.
"I am not in the mood, Munson. Just drop your insult and fuck off." I kept my head low on my lap, I couldn't bare to look at his smug face, probably plastered with that shit-eating grin of his, knowing that he was having a better time at a party than "the Princess of Hawkins High".

He didn't say anything else. Instead, he just sat on the porch next to me holding out a lit cigarette as some kind of peace offering. I glanced up at his soft features, he looked hurt and almost crushed from watching me cry. I smiled shyly and nodded lightly in acceptance of his offer, carefully taking the cigarette from between his calloused fingers and taking a long drag from it. He watched me so carefully as I held the smoke in for a moment, blowing it back out with a defeated sigh. "So... Do you wanna talk about?" he asked, practically whispered, his voice was low and soft. It was so comforting, like a verbal hug of kindness.
"I, uh, I think I just completely trashed my social circle at school next year!" I chuckled, holding my cigarette toward his like I was toasting a drink.
"I'll toke to that!" he chuckled in retort, tapping the blazing cherry of his cigarette against mine before we both took another drag. "No, really though. What happened, Princess?" he asked, knowing that being referred to at the school princess made my skin crawl, although, his voice was warm and soothing this time so I didn't feel the usual "ick" I normally do.
"I walked in to find Patrick all over Becky Parker... telling me it was 'okay because he was just messing around'. I mean, who does that?! Who says that?!" I could feel myself getting angry again, but it didn't manifest as anger, instead more tears started to flow down my cheeks and my breathing became knotted in my throat. Eddie wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in tight to his side,
"Hey, hey. It's okay, princess... don't cry." he cooed as his large hand rubbed my shoulder, placing a delicate kiss on top of my head.

After probably 2 hours of just sitting on the deck, talking and smoking, taking swigs from he liquor bottle Eddie had inside his jacket, I was feeling so much better... and a little out of sorts. We'd talked about everything. I told him about cheer and school, about my old school too, which he was really interested in hearing about. He told me about his D&D club and his friends, about how he was raised by his uncle which was a striking difference from the upbringing I had from my strict and shitty parents. I told him I used to play D&D in middle school, he told me I should check out his club sometime, realising after he'd said it that it would never happen without Jason trying to kick his ass for dragging his sister into "a cult". Finally, we'd landed on music. I could tell from looking at him that we were into the same music, but it was a complete shock to him to hear that I loved metal music. It was an even bigger shock to him to learn that I played guitar too, not as good as he could, but I wasn't bad. "Jesus, Carver. You're pretty cool, actually." he chuckled as he nudged my elbow playfully. I turned my head toward him as I giggled in retort, meeting his beautiful chocolate brown gaze immediately. My eyes were fixed on his, unable to pull myself away. All I could do was stare deeply into his beautiful eyes.

Just like my screeching at Patrick, I couldn't control what was happening next. Without warning or hesitation, I felt my face flying towards his, my lips crashing against his soft, pink, pillowy lips. Much to my surprise, despite our publicity, he kissed me back. Becoming entangled in a passionate make out on the porch. Eddie's hand reached up and cupped my face as I moaned into his mouth. Although my experience was very limited, in fact... it was completely lacking, I knew exactly where this was going.

And I couldn't fucking wait.

"You Really Screwed Up This Time, Carver..." - Eddie Munson x Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now