9. Unlucky Number 14

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TW - swearing, smut, drinking, weed

The following Monday, I cut my last couple of classes, missing cheer practice again, but I had to see the doctor. I was so nervous about going, made worse by going alone, but who could I tell?! Eddie was a no show that morning, which made me feel terrible, what I said to him must have really hurt him. I'd assumed he spent Friday night, the weekend and probably today wallowing at home. But I kept telling myself it was for the best right now.

The doctors office was horrible, it smelt like antiseptic and the receptionist seemed really judgemental toward me when I booked in. Thankfully, I only had to deal with her staring for about 5 minutes before I was called in but the doctor. He was an older man with lightly greying hair and glasses, his office had diplomas all over the walls and on his desk sat a picture of his family, thankfully, his kids had long since graduated from Hawkins so no risk of any word getting out about me. It was a short appointment, he confirmed I was pregnant and asked about the father - I lied and told him he was a college student and very supportive, sounded better than "the local dealer who is repeating senior year for the third time and has no idea I'm pregnant - oh and now probably hates me". He did some maths based around my last period, looking deeply concerned when I told him my last one was roughly the end of July and it's now the 2nd week of November. "If my estimations are correct, Miss Carver, you may be roughly 13-14 weeks already. Making termination no longer optional..." I never thought about terminating it, but it was still a shock that it was no longer on the table. "We'll do a quick scan to confirm, then we'll book you in for some routine bloods. Does that sound okay?" he asked, peering over his specs. I was still stunned, I could only nod in response.

He did the scan and looked pretty pleased with himself as he stared at the screen, "Just as I thought... 14 weeks, barely. But still 14 none-the-less!" if he could have patted himself on the back, he would have. He printed a scan photo of what looked like a bunch of blobs, ensuring me that the jellybean shaped blob was a healthy baby. He gave me a script for vitamins and sent me on my way with a bloods and follow up appointment.

As I drove home I started to try and retrace my steps back 14 weeks, most of my encounters with Eddie were largely safe. By our later encounters I'd started on birth control so I'd doubt it was one of those, plus the math didn't fit. Driving through a stop sign, I suddenly realised - Benny's fucking Diner. Of all the hookups, Benny's was by far the most spontaneous and definitely most unsafe, I was a little devastated. Of all the times, it was the tipsy fling in the grotty bathroom of the diner that did it. Well, they do say your first time is the most risky? Pulling up at home, I made it back late enough to pretend I'd been at school. My mom was busy making dinner already and I'm guessing Jason was waiting for Chrissy, so I headed straight up to my room to try and unwind and think - mostly panic though probably. I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror, trying to picture what I was gonna look like as I got bigger. I tried to picture how I could cover it up, delay telling anyone until the last possible moment, save my parents the shame for as long as possible.

As I glanced in the mirror, I saw the Walkie on my dresser, reaching over slowly and picking it up. I don't know what I was hoping to achieve, he probably didn't want to talk to me, but I could do with a friend and when I'm finally feeling ballsy enough to tell him, it'll be much easier if he doesn't totally despise me. I pressed the button on the Walkie and hesitated before I finally spoke, "H-hey, Eddie... You there?..." I stuttered before waiting for a response. I heard the walkie crackle but nobody spoke, "I, uh, I know you probably don't wanna talk to me right now, or at all, but I need to talk. You can ignore me, but I have to get this off my chest..." - still no response. "Okay... here goes. I am so fucking sorry for what I said last week, I didn't mean any of it, I swear. And... I did know what you meant and I- I'm a bit crazy about you too... I just don't want you to have to ignore me all day at school because of our friends - although they probably wont be my friends much longer-" I chuckled nervously, "I guess, I'm just saying, I'm sorry and I'd love to be friends like we were in the summer... you know, without the chaotic sex..." I chuckled again.

"You Really Screwed Up This Time, Carver..." - Eddie Munson x Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now