Fred Weasley ~ Hopeless

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I haven't updated in a while but I'm bored. We'll see if this ever makes it out of the drafts

House: any
Year: Graduated


Fred and I had fallen in love in the hallways of Hogwarts. Dancing around the hallways past curfew, holding hands under the desk in class, picnics by the black lake, it all seems like it happened yesterday but yet such a long time ago at the same time. Especially now.

Standing in hallways of Hogwarts again makes my life that I once had here seem so very far in the past. The battle made it feel like I was in a film. I'm frozen watching the people around me fight. The walls around me seem to be crumbling around me in slow motion as sparks from wands sputter around me. My mind and body are numb, frozen in place, trying to process that the place I once felt so safe in now will be haunted with war.

The sight of a ginger haired boy broke me out of the trance. Fred was running down the hall with his brother, Percy, away from a death eater. Percy tumbled over a rock just as the witch following them began to shoot a spell their way. Fred noticed but so did I. He moved in front of his brother as I shot a spell towards her with all the force I could. The spell was enough to knock her off feet but she turned to me and the last thing I saw was a bright light headed towards me and Fred shouting my name.

I 'woke up' feeling locked in my body. I could hear everything around me, obviously in the hospital wing. I could also feel everything. Someone was holding my right hand, sobbing softly as tears landed on my hand. It was Fred, I just could tell.

"How is she?" I heard Molly ask, sitting to my left.

"She's- she's doing better, I think. I mean, she hasn't stopped breathing," Fred sighed.

"Fred, it will be okay. She will get through this, I promise you. That death eater clearly didn't have the strength to do anything but hurt her. I know she'll get through this," George said, hurt ringing in his voice but he clearly was just trying to think positive.

"Yeah, but what if she isn't, what if she never wakes up. I can't live without her. She is the light of my whole world and I don't know how to cope without her. She almost died trying to save me," Fred sobbed, I felt him pick up my hand and bring it to his lips, "I picked out a ring two weeks ago. I wanted to ask for her hand that same day but I wanted to wait until after the war was over. Maybe I shouldn't have waited."

"Fred, she's going to get better. You are going to give her that ring. I know she will get better," Molly said before placing a hand on my cheek before getting up, "just stay with her, she needs you right now."

The battle seemed to have stopped, at least for the night. Soft snores from people around the great hall traveled around the room, but the most familiar one was Fred. He laid beside me with an arm draped over me. I tried with every once in my body to move closer to him to get closer to him, to show him that I was going to be okay. But I couldn't. I just wanted to scream. The sound someone turning over in their sleep, making their cot squeak, made Fred jump out of his sleep. His grip on me tightened.

"Please wake up y/n. I'm hopeless without you," he whispered, "I wish you wouldn't have saved me. You don't deserve this."

That broke me. Maybe I didn't deserve this but he would be dead without me. I can't live without him. The thought alone sent sudden wave of emotion that poured over me. My eyes welled up with tears and they freely dripped down the sides of my face and a sob rose from my throat. With all my strength, I turned over and curled my body into Fred's.

He waisted no time, wrapping me in his arms. In one swift motion, he had us sitting up with me in his lap. I cried into his chest, clinging onto his shirt for dear life, while he tucked his head into the crook of my neck. I felt a few tears of his own soak into my shirt as he pressed a tender kiss to my neck.

"You can't say that," I whispered, my voice hoarse from not being used for clearly several days.

Fred froze under me, "What?"

I pulled back to look at him, tears still streaming down my face. I looked at him in the eyes and gently laid my hand on his face, stroking his cheek with my thumb, "If I wouldn't have saved you, you would be dead Fred. I can't live life without you. I can't believe you said that, you don't deserve to be dead, no one does. I'd much rather go through what I did than have you be gone. I can't believe you said that-" a sob croaked out from my throat.

"Shhh, I know. It's okay," Fred pulled me back into him. I wrapped my arms around his waist while he slipped a hand under my shirt, rubbing small circles with his hand. He had his head tucked into my neck again, kissing the skin under his lips every once and awhile. I drifted off to sleep, not letting my grip on Fred go.

I woke up to the sound of Molly, "She's awake!" Fred and I both jumped, our grips on each other tightening out of fear of losing one another, "See, I told you she'd be alright. Y/n, dear how are you feeling."

"I'm okay. I'm just happy to be able to finally talk back again," I chuckled. Fred helped me stand so I could give Molly a hug. Fred chuckled, not realizing what I had said. Then his face turned bright red and his mouth opened in shock, realizing he said some stuff that was meant to be a surprise.

Molly chuckled at this reaction, "I'll leave you two alone. Let me know if you need anything dear," she smiled softly at me before leaving.

I smiled at her and turned around to see Fred face, still blushing.

"So, what all did you hear," Fred asked, scratching the back of his head and avoiding eye contact.

"Oh you know," I wrapped my arms around his neck, making him look into my eyes, "just how you are madly in love with me and can't live without me. Oh, and that you bought a ring," I giggled.

His arms wrapped around me, no longer embarrassed. He smirked and rested his forehead against mine, "So, how do you feel about that, my love?" He said softly.

"Fred Weasley, I love you with every single ounce of my being. I'd happily say yes to staying with you for the rest of my life," I stood on my toes and pressed a kiss to his lips for what felt like the first time in forever. After a second, I pulled away, "This better not be your real proposal, I'm expecting something much more romantic than a war."

He laughed at that, "Don't worry, I have something planned. You not being able to talk gave me a lot of time to think," I lightly shoved his shoulder and rolled my eyes as he laughed at his own joke, " I'm only joking, love. I could listen to you talk for forever, I'll never get tired of you."

I smiled and shook my head, "I'll never get tired of you either Fred," I pressed another kiss to his lips before wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him in to a hug that I never wanted to end.

This is probably terrible but oh well. I'll probably make a part 2 because its Harry Potter season and it makes me happy.


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