Fred Weasley ~ Sick

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Hello again! Hope you enjoy!

House: Any but preferably Gryffindor
Year: 6th going into 7th

Oh and you're a muggle born.
This summer, I had convinced my parents into letting me stay at the Burrow. Over the past few years, I'd become a regular at the Weasley house hold so Mrs. Weasley obviously treated me as her own.

Now, when I got sick, I had seen a new Mrs. Weasley come out. She was at my side at least once every our, making sure my pain level was as minimal as possible and that I don't need anything.

This time, she had just set off to make me a cup of honey tea to sooth my throat. She didn't quite understand why I couldn't just take a potion for it, but she had read it in a muggle book Mr. Weasley had brought home a few days ago and I am the first person she can test the tricks on.

I had dosed off a bit, listening to Mrs. Weasley struggling to understand how a tea kettle worked.

Suddenly, I woke up in the Gryffindor common room. It was empty, quiet. It wasn't right.

What seemed like seconds later, I heard someone clear their throat.

I jumped and quickly sat up, "Sorry Mrs. Weasley. I must have-" I moved my hair out of my face to notice a tall, red-headed (and faced) twin, "Sorry Fred. I thought you were-"

"I-It's okay. Mum said to give this to you. She told me to tell you sorry that it took so long, however it looks like you slept most of the time," he smiled and handed me the small teacup he had.

"Thank you," I smiled and took a sip of the tea that she apparently spent a long time on, " This is surprisingly amazing. Especially for someone who has never made tea without magic. A lot better than my mum's, but don't tell her that."

"That's good, but I need to go, um, study?" He questioned himself as the words came out of his mouth.

"Both you and I know that you've never done that. You can stay and talk to me, it gets a little lonely in here after a while. That's only if you'd want to, I don't want to interrupt your 'study' session."

"Okay then, I guess I'll stay. Just don't get me sick," he sat on the other end of the bed and put his feet on the bed.

We began talking about our old memories the we had from when we were younger. Our first pranks as a trio, when we got detention, and so on.

Both Fred and I had crushes on each other. We both knew it too, but we were way to terrified to ask each other out. George claims it's because we don't want to leave him out, but in reality we aren't sure how it will effect our friendship.

We talked for hours until Fred somehow ended up next to me and I started to fall asleep.

I felt a pair of lips press against my forehead and a soft mumble of an, "I love you Y/N

To tired to speak, I nuzzled my head into his chest.

Mrs. Weasley is going to kill us in the morning.

Aye mates! So my midterms are officially over, and have been for three days. But that doesn't mean I have a ton of free time.

Hey, at least I updated finally! More will hopefully be out soon!

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