Chapter 7 - I Am Back?

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*Jennie's POV*

"Jennieyah, wake up. Breakfast is ready." I heard my mom yelling as my alarm went off.

"Mom?" I asked, almost to myself.

What is she doing here?

I cut off mostly all contacts with my family during the final years of my college. Ever since Lisa's death, I couldn't be the old Jennie. And it was not easy for my family and friends to accept that change. They didn't try to understand my feelings. The guilt and responsibility I felt toward Lisa were above everything. Whenever I tried to make someone understand how I felt, they would just brush it off, saying, 'past is past.' All that led to yelling and misunderstandings, and before I knew it, all I wanted was to get away from them. Jisoo Unnie, her brother Taehyung and Chaeyoung were the only people who understood me, so I spent most of the time with them. When Jisoo Unnie went for medicine in college, I also opted for the same field, and I stayed with her. She took care of me like a mother.

By the time I finished my sophomore year, I had come out to my parents as gay. My Mom never said anything about it; she was neither supportive nor showed hatred. But my Dad was, I guess, I could say offended? He said he would disown me as his daughter if I said that again, and I had no choice but to leave my family and be on my own. I worked part-time and studied for college, and whatever I have Today is all my sweat and blood. Of course, Jisoo Unnie and her father were a great help for everything to turn out well, so I am forever grateful to my Unnie.

Though I left the house, I'd sometimes call my Mom to check up on both of them, but it's been long since I last saw her. Her voice is still soothing, and I admit I missed her, but what is she doing here? How did she get in? I had all these questions in my mind as I made my way to the door and opened it, but...... wait a minute..... something is wrong..... this is..... this is not my room. I mean, this is not the room I slept in. Right now, I am in my old room, and....... what am I wearing? I went to bed in my shorts and an oversized T-shirt, and now I am in my PJs. What is going on?

My phone? Where is my phone?

It was still in my bed, but..... it's my old phone. It's been quite some time since I held it in my hand, but it still feels oddly familiar. I checked the date; December 30? How can it be December? It was just March a couple of hours ago. Wait..... December 30, 2021? What!? How's that possible? I clearly remember it was 2032. Is this a dream? This has to be a dream. There's no other explanation. There's no way I just traveled back to 2021. But this feels too real to be a dream. What if....

"Jennie?" My Mom came to the door, almost giving me a heart attack, and I accidentally screamed.


"Why are you screaming?"

I stared at my Mom. It's really her.

"Why do you look like you have seen a ghost?"

"M-mom?" I stuttered.

"What?" Mom was looking at me in confusion.

"Which year is this?"

"It's still 2021. Why?" I didn't say anything. What the hell the going on? "Didn't you say you're going out with friends for New Year shopping? Get ready and come down for breakfast." Mom said as she was leaving, but I stopped her again.

"Mom, wait."

"Now what?" She asked, a little impatient.

"I am a high schooler, right?"

Mom came closer and put her right hand on my forehead, checking my temperature. "Jennie, are you sick? Did you have a nightmare? You are acting weird."

I shook my head, avoiding eye contact with her. She scoffed. "Come down fast." She patted my head and went out. I held my head with both hands and sat on the edge of the bed. This can't be real. How's this even possible? Why would I even...

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