Chapter 17 - Ignore

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*Third Person's POV*

The following morning, both girls woke up with contented smiles on their faces. They didn't have an explanation of what had happened or what was about to happen yet, but the feelings were mutual. There was no denying that both of them wanted it to happen. Forget the butterflies, both of them felt a whole zoo inside them at that moment.

For both Jennie and Lisa, the way to school seemed lengthy, particularly Today. There was a longing inside them to see each other. But they couldn't figure out what they will say to each other when they meet. The point of turning back was passed. There was no 'friendly' explanation for the moment they shared. You don't feel that way with your friends. Though it puzzled them, the desire to relive that moment was more stronger.

Jennie couldn't get her head out of what would have happened if they kissed. That would have made it impossible for her to be away from Lisa. But still, how it would have felt to kiss her made Jennie's heart flutter. On the other hand, Lisa was trying to make sense of her feelings. Never before in her life, she had felt this way. It was all new to her and she had only known Jennie as a friend for the past few weeks, so was it possible that it was love? But she couldn't shake her head off of how Jennie looked at her. Lisa wouldn't mind getting lost in that deep brown eyes, even if there was no returning.

They were now sitting at the cafeteria for the lunch break. Somehow they managed to get past the morning without others noticing the nervousness and awkwardness between them. They had barely spoken to each other and Jennie realized this was the least she had talked to Lisa ever since she came back. Although the professor's words occupied Jennie's thoughts, it was hard for her to focus on anything else when Lisa was just inches away from her. She had to fight back her urge to stare at Lisa who sat opposite her at the table. Lisa was also trying not to give in to her wanting to touch Jennie's lips again. She was also having a hard time focusing on something else when Jennie was near her. And when their hands accidentally touched across the table, both could swear that they felt like they were electrocuted and for the first time that day, they made eye contact. Jennie could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks so she excused herself and almost ran out of the cafeteria.

Jennie got into the class and leaned against the door. The classroom was empty since it was break time. She put both her hands on her cheeks and felt the heat.

*Jennie's POV*

What if Lisa noticed my blush? God! It's so embarrassing. After last night, it's hard to look her in the eyes without having such thoughts. I mean, we almost kissed. And we would have definitely kissed if it wasn't for Jisoo Unnie. I ran my thumb across my lips. My heart skipped a beat when I felt her fingers near them Yesterday. I wonder how her lips would feel on mine. She has pink, full lips that perfectly go with her soft facial structure. Her large, round eyes that hold so much pain. The mole on her neck that keeps calling me. And her long, soft, and slender fingers. I wonder how it would...

Jesus Christ! What the hell am I thinking? Get a hold of yourself, Jennie Kim. Well, you can't really blame me. I used to have sex whenever I want back then and now, I haven't had it in almost three weeks. It was a coping mechanism, and to take my mind off the past, but now that she's this close to me, I can't think of anything else.

I stood up straight. I better clear my mind before the next hour. As I walked to my seat, I noticed the class board isn't cleaned from the last hour. As the Student Council President, I am bound to keep an eye on such things so I proceeded to clean the board. But I can't seem to reach the top. I was tip-toeing when I felt someone behind me. The person raised their hand and held the board duster along with my hand and their breath is tickling behind my neck. I immediately knew who it was. My heart is beating fast again. I slowly let go of the duster and turned around. Our faces are just inches apart, just like last night. Her stare is piercing. When did she even come in?

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