Chapter 25 - Love and Judgement

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*Third Person's POV*

"I love you so much, Baby." Lisa said before crashing her lips with Jennie's, not even giving a second for the short girl to respond. Nevertheless, Jennie kissed back with the same passion that Lisa was pouring into the kiss. She pulled Jennie to her lap without breaking the kiss as her hands started to explore her girlfriend's body. Jennie wrapped her hands around Lisa's nape as her tongue licked Jennie's bottom lip for entrance, which the latter gladly obliged. There was no fight for dominance because Jennie wanted Lisa to be in control and boy, oh, boy, Lisa wanted it too.

Lisa's hands passed through Jennie's neck, then her shoulders, and then to her thighs. They let go of their lips for a second to catch their breath but joined them together instantly. Lisa tossed the jacket Jennie was wearing and was about to put her hands inside her T-shirt, but stopped mid-way. She pulled out of the kiss and looked at Jennie with burning desire.

"Can I?" She whispered in the cat-eyed girl's ear.

Jennie didn't respond, instead, she took off her T-shirt and tossed it somewhere in the room. Lisa was, well, surprised at Jennie's bold action. Only if she had known! Jennie traced her kisses back to Lisa's jaw earning a low groan from her which turned her on further. Jennie kissed and sucked Lisa's neck and the latter tilted her head to give more access to her girlfriend.

"Make love to me, Baby." Jennie whispered in the tall girl's ears and slowly got up. Lisa watched in awe as the short girl discarded her pants painfully slow and made her way to Lisa's room. Lisa got up and made sure the front door was locked before following Jennie. She got into the room to find her girl already in bed, ready for her.

Lisa took off her dress leaving the inners before getting on top of Jennie on the bed. She slowly kissed Jennie's collarbone to her neck leaving marks all the way. Every time Lisa bit her, she let out a soft moan which aroused the tall girl even more. Lisa went back to Jennie's lips and kissed hungrily. Their mind was going blank. They couldn't think of anything else than to have each other right at the moment.

Jennie unclipped Lisa's bra without breaking the kiss and grabbed her by her nape to keep their lips together. Lisa did the same with Jennie's bra. She pulled away from the kiss and stared at Jennie's perky breasts. They were the perfect size, pink, round, and soft. Lisa took one in her mouth and sucked it endlessly while one of her hands caressed the other breast. Jennie was letting out soft moans as her breasts started to become sensitive and Lisa was getting restless. She wanted more. Their bodies were on fire.

Lisa let go of Jennie's breasts and placed her hands on her panties. She slowly lifted her waist allowing Lisa to pull it down and she came in contact with her wet pussy. She slowly licked and kissed Jennie's thighs, making the girl groan in frustration.

"Ahh! More... I want more." Jennie said panting.

Lisa stared into her eyes and slowly rubbed her swollen clit. "You want more, Baby?" She asked teasingly and started rubbing faster.

"Oh, God! Yes, plea-- pleaseeeee." The short girl said in an almost moan.

Lisa started sucking on Jennie's clit and inserted two fingers at a time, pumping hard. Jennie wanted to ask her how could she have known it when it was her first time, but God, Lisa was making her feel so damn good that she couldn't think of anything else. It was different from all the hookups Jennie had over the years. For the first time in her life, she wasn't fucking; she was making love. Jennie moaned loud showing the girl on top of her that she was enjoying every piece of it. She closed her eyes and rolled her head back, gripping the sheets, which turned her knuckles white.

Jennie's moans filled the room and Lisa was getting more and more turned on by it. She was determined to make her girl cum and wirth on her fingers and tongue.

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