Chapter 9 - Friends?

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*Jennie's POV*

We got to the rooftop, my hand still tight around her wrist. Her expression screams confusion, and honestly, she looks cute. What the hell, Jennie? Get it together. I bit my bottom lip suppressing the smile that was about to grow on my face. We stood in silence for a few minutes since I had no idea what I should say. I was about to speak when I felt her hands on my cheek, wiping away the tears still collected on my face. I wasn't looking at her earlier, but her actions made me look directly into her eyes, her hands still on my cheeks. It feels so soothing.

"What's wrong, Jennie?" She spoke slowly, more like carefully, taking off her hands. Her voice is making me tear up again. Since when does she have this effect on me?

"Lisa, I..." What should I say? "I am so sorry." She stared at me wordlessly. I had spent many nights imagining how I would ask for her forgiveness if I met her again, but now that I am actually here, it's awkward. "I am sorry for treating you the way I did. I promise I will be good to you." I finally managed to say something to her without stuttering since I saw her.

"Are you-- are you not well?"


"You are being different. I mean, why so sudden? What changed, Jennie?"

Because I can't lose you again, Lis.

"Don't ask me more. I can't tell you. But I realized I was wrong, and you did nothing." I said, unable to look her in the eyes.

"Are you serious this time, Jennie?" I looked at her, confused. "Because the last time you said something similar, you pushed me down the stairs right after."

Yes, I remember that. Shit! I was an asshole.

"This time, I mean it, Lisa. What should I do to prove it?"

"You don't have to prove anything. I hope you will keep your word."

I nodded. "I promise." And for the first time in years, I finally felt happy. "So, friends?" I questioned, asking for her hand. She looked at me surprisingly but took my hand in the end.

"Friends." We shook hands, and I saw a different glow on her face. She had a straight face, but something was different; it was softer now. "We should get going. The bell will ring any minute now." She said as we parted our hands and turned around. I don't know what triggered me. I stopped her by her wrist and tugged her in for another hug, with my hands on her back and face buried in her chest.


"Don't say anything, Lis. Let me just hold you for some time. I have wanted to do that for a long time now."


I could sense the surprise in her tone. What I just said probably didn't make any sense to her, but let it be. I just want to stay like this. I felt her hands slowly engulfing me, with one of her hands on my head, patting me. I snuggled even closer to her chest as tears threatened to fall again. I don't know how long we stood like that, but the annoying sound of the school bell made me realize it was time to let her go.

"Shall we?" She asked as we pulled out of the hug.

I nodded. "Let's, and remember, Lisa, I won't let anyone bully you." She looked at me questioningly yet mischievously. My heart almost exploded. Was she always this cute? I chuckled. "Not anymore."

She nodded, and we left for the class as my heart kept pounding in my chest. As we walked to our class, and even when we entered, I could see that all eyes were on us. I was in front, and Lisa was following me, so I couldn't see how they eyed her, but I am sure it isn't pretty at all. When I was about to settle down in my seat, I was swarmed by my friends.

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