priest aziraphale x vampire crowley

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summary: aziraphale is a priest, and crowley's a vampire. i could say they're celestial beings still...?


crowley's POV

"oh, you saw that new guy in town, eh?" i turned my head to see witchfinder sergeant shadwell next to me.

dammit, i just need blood, that's all. i cleared my mind of this thought, "no, i- ahem, no. i haven't heard of this 'new guy' that you would to be talking about."

"haha! you should see his face, nice guy, i suppose." the man next to me took a shot of whiskey, doing it fast, too. "but really, you'd never know what should happen, so i could say he isnt too nice, maybe if you get to know him."

my face lit up a bit, "alright, who's this new guy you were saying?"

"aziraphale, named after that guy from the bible."

"ooh, lookey here, priest, i could guess?"

"quite right you are! drink?"

"eh, sorta lookin forward to going to sleep without a headache, you see?"

the witchfinder looked quite disappointed from this, looking down.

"that new guy... just sayin, be careful, i say. you never know what these foreigners are up to nowadays, hey- i also heard these group of priests pulled up some type cult, named the them. although, i heard it was above children who were too demonic, their parents were all served to god, and apparently, 'he isnt into ladies.' but, what typa preist isnt into ladies? maybe he's a spy, or some other shit."

"okay, sure. have fun, im gonna head out to that new guy, or something."


while i was searching for this 'new guy', i was thinking how he'd act. english, should he? quite intelligent, possibly. never seen anyone reading the bible everyday in a few hours. maybe he has a wife- wait, didnt shadwell say he wasnt into women-

i heard a high pitched squeak from a taller man.

"oh! i did not mean to bump into you," this- quite literal angel kneeled down to pick up all my stuff, while i just stood there in shock they would do that.

the man looked up while kneeling, holding all my belongings.

[i dont know what he was holding except a cigar, wasnt for him tho. so, just imagine what aziraphale is holding]

"are you alright, dear? you don't seem too well, are you hungry?"

no, no i'm not hungry. no. "yes, i am very hungry."

the man stood up, holding my hand.

"i am aziraphale, named-"

"after the angel from the bible."

he stood next to me, blushing softly.

"what happened, cat caught your tongue, angel?" my eyes widened, notifying my brain i said angel, and not aziraphale.

"actually, that doesnt seem too bad 'nickname, shouldnt it?" i said my thought out loud, allowing 'angel' to accept it.

"no, it doesnt seem too bad at all." the man held my hand softly, smiling at it.

"fancy dinner at the ritz?" i hesitated, "just up central London. i can get us a cab, if you'd like to do so."

i sighed, whatever.

"sure, aziraphale."


i was thinking on ending it here, but who knows??? i might go and even continue this idea if i feel like it. also,, this was inspired by an art i saw.

forgot the artist's initials, so if you ever find out or am the artist, please comment about it. probably shouldnt dm me here because im pretty likely to not notice it until 5 years later or some shit.

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