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Sy'Teia chilled in Rylo's living room while Kia was upstairs with him. Kia told her she didn't wanna go up there because she didn't wanna leave Teia alone.

But Teia made her go cus that's what this trip is for' and Teia didn't mind anyways. They had been over for a couple hours now.

This was their second day in Utah. Today was the first day Kia and Rylo met. Yesterday Teia and Kia spent the rest of their day doing stuff together.

In the meantime Teia scrolled on tik tok to entertain herself.

"I'm gon need some DW 40 and a 40 piece toolbox I can get this bitch over there in ten to fifteen minutes."

"Why yeen neva text a nigga back?" Sy'Teia heard next to her making her jump.

"Who the fuck is youuu" she looked over at the dude. It took her a minute to realize that he was the one who texted her on Instagram.

"How the fuck we end up in the same house and no I'm not texting you back mr.syxdevils I'm not wit that devil shi." She stated looking him up and down

"Maybe cus this my homie crib. Text me back I'd hate for shit to get ugly" Syx said looking at her

Who the fuck he think he is? Sy'Teia thought to herself. Cus ain't shit ugly but dem waves.

"Gone on ghee" Teia laughed him off. He didn't interest her mainly because he had waves.

And Teia only accepted Dreads/Locks and Freeforms, he had neither one of those.

"I'm not laughing witchu. Fuck funny?" He says not liking how she wasn't taking him serious.

"You now get out my face please and thank you." She nicely told him keeping her attention on her phone.

He tried to reach and grab her phone but Teia slapped his hand.

"Nigga da fuck is wrong witchu ghee? I'm gay get the hell on somewhere."

"Aye touch me again we gon have some problems." Syx says to her and Teia sat there unfazed.

"Stop tryna act hard to get. You know u wanna fuck wit a nigga" He rubbed his hands together staring at her

She mugged him disgustedly being completely turned off by him. Something about him was just off to her.

"Nobodies acting..do dis look like a movie to you Nigga? Fuck on somewhere like real shit" She scooted away from him

"Teia" he called her name

Teia sat their ignoring him. He was really starting to get on her nerves to the point where she wanted to fight.

Hearing the Tv turn on she looking up seeing the news and he was about to skip it. Something caught her eye.

"Uhn uhn don't change it wait, I'm tryna see dis." She told him making him put the remote down.

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