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"Kill her I promise you gon feel better" Kamikaze influenced a indecisive Ma'Kylin who was parked outside of Camarlia's house.

"I'm finna have a family ..I told myself I was gon change though." He said with a sad frown casting on his face.

Ky was having a whole debate with himself right now it was a lot to think about since he has a whole child and one soon to be developed.

Wanting to kill Camarlia was something had been on his mind for years after everything she's put him through and how she's treated him.

Everyone else he's never hesitated about it but with Camarlia he keeps second guessing. He's scared that maybe he'll slip up and lose everything.

No more Ky'Nani and no more Sy'Teia and there won't be no being there for her as she deals with being pregnant.

He doesn't want any of that too happen, Ky doesn't wanna put hurt into their lives.

Just try to forget about her and everything she's ever done or listen to kamikaze and kill her?

"Get out the car goofy." Kamikaze said, and for some reason Ky listened. He turned off his car getting out of it.

Looking down at the time on his phone it was almost three something in the morning. He powered his phone all the way off leaving it inside the car.

Making his way to the front door it was locked but he obviously knew where the spare key was which was behind a bush.

Inserting the key into the lock he turned it and unlocked both locks making his way inside silently.

It was dark so most likely her and his two younger siblings who he forgot all about were sleep.

Her room was downstairs and that's exactly where he went to, her bedroom. Opening the door her Tv was on but she was sleep.

How was he gonna do this? He didn't know so he stood there thinking to himself for a moment deciding on what he wanted to do.

"Get up." Ky tapped her with his gun on her forehead causing Camarlia to move around, once she finally opened her eyes she looked like she seen a ghost.

Watching on her choke on her words before she could even speak Ky smiled seeing how much fear he had put in her.

All that wanna be tough mom stuff act was no where near to be found. Camarlia slowly sat up as the light from the Tv blinded her.

"W- what are you doin Ma'Kylin?" She questioned lowly as she slowly tried to sneak and grab her phone.

"Get chu a pencil and paper you finna write a cute lil note fa the feds and yo kids real quick." He told before he grabbed her up by her hair.

She hissed and screamed but Ky made her go quiet completely, she didn't say anything or make a sound as she looked for a piece of paper and something to write with.

"What are you making me do k- stop talking me folks just do what I tell" He cut her off not wanting to be asked any questions.

Tears slipped from her eyes but Ma'Kylin wasn't gonna feel bad for her, he never will no matter what.

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