Chapter One

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Fuck this shit.

I turned over and turned my alarm off.

It's 6:10 in the morning. Why does school start so early? Who knows, definitely not me. But what I do know is I better get ready before I'm late for my first last day of highschool.

I groaned as I got up from my bed. I walked into my kitchen and started to make some coffee, if I was going to live today I needed some coffee in my system.

While that is in the works I walked to my room and got some clothes. Just some jeans and a black shirt along with black converse.

After I got dressed I brushed my teeth and hair deciding to leave it down today. Then I walked back into the kitchen for my coffee. Taking a sip I sighed in joy. Coffee is what makes me less of a bitch.

Listening to the news, because I'm bored and to lazy to turn anything else on, nothing interesting has happened. Of course that's what I thought nothing exciting ever happens here. Taking my attention away I saw I was getting a face time call from Ember, I pressed the green button answering.

"Morning gorgeous." I smiled at the camera propping it up on my mug so I don't have to hold it.

"Damn girl do you wake up looking like that or what?" She spoke as I answered showing her my face.

I chuckled, "Not to bad yourself, love."

"Whatever, I was wondering if you wanted to get Starbucks with me? Before school of course."

"I would but school starts at 7:30 and it's already 7. Plus I already made me some coffee."

"Ugh." She groaned. "Wait, could you make me some?"

"Give me 3 bucks and I will." I raised an eyebrow at her. "Remember I by my own stuff so it's gonna cost you."

"You know what fine. You know how I like it."

"Of course I remember." I picked up my phone and started walking back to the kitchen.

"Carter did you eat breakfast?" She ask, probably because I never do and she knows it.

I put her coffee on then turned back to the phone. "I had coffee." I shrugged.

"That is not breakfast and you know it." She said pointing a pen at me.

"Well I'm not going to have any and you know it." I winked at her.

"Yeah, yeah I know." She rolled her eyes. "I'll see you at school. Bye bitch."

I smiled, "Bye." I said hanging up.

Once I finished making Embers coffee I grabbed my keys and went to the garage. I smiled seeing my baby, a Two thousand seventeen dodge Challenger SRT hellcat. I treasure her taking great care of her and everything. I bought her around three years ago and payed her off in a few months.

I unlocked my car then sat down placing the coffee in a cupholder. I started her and opened the garage. I pulled out of my driveway being excited because it's my last first day of highschool.

Ember and I have been friends forever. I never let anyone close to me or anything, she's the exception she understands why I am like this, I told her everything. When I say everything I mean everything about what happened to me.

My parents abused me for the longest time, ever since I can remember. Whenever I did anything they would find a reason to.

I tried and tried to do something about it but it never worked, maybe because my dad was the head police officer I don't know. When I would tell them about important stuff they never cared.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now