Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"What are you doing later today?" Ember asked over the phone.

She made me call her because she has a doctor's appointment today and will be late to school. So she's making up that time now.

"Sorry to disappoint but I actually have something to do." I heard her gasp on the other end. "I know, so shocking!"

"Rude. Now what are you going to do that's better than hanging with me because I'm so amazing so it must be good."

"Um.." I should have come up with a lie before this. "Lexi said she wanted to go somewhere today but didn't want to go alone so I agreed to go with her." Believable, it's happened before.

"Why couldn't her partner go with her?" She asked.

"Lexi said something about Everest having a family emergency and needing to go back to the UK for a while. So they can't go with her." Now that's not a lie. Everest's mom had a heart attack and Everest was the only person able to be with her. Even if they are in a different content.

"Oh shit." Ember whispered.

"That's what I said when she told me. I'm sorry we can't hang out before you leave for all of fall break." She's going to a different state for the whole two and a half weeks.

"It's alright. Not like we will die before we meet again." She said making the words stretch out.

"You are right Em." I turned looking at the oven, it's time for me to go. "Sorry but I gotta get to school if I want to be in time." I sighed.

"Ok. See you in Engli-" She yelled hanging up.

Off to school I go.


"So what are you all planning on doing on your little trip?" I asked Ember. We're in English and it's boring right now.

"Hold on. Did you finish writing the essay this?" She asked putting the conversation on hold.

I shrugged, "Yeah. I wrote about a time I went to the beach."

She gave me a confused look before speaking again. "But yo-"

"I know." I cut her off. "I've never been to the beach." My parents never let me leave the house. I could barley go to Embers. So of course I haven't done that fun stuff. I also just wanted to get the writing over with."Now you respond to my question."

"Visiting my grandparents. I don't know what else. They don't tell me the shit we are gonna to till we are already doing it." She sighed in annoyance. She doesn't like surprises.

"I'm sure it will be worth it." She huffed in unison with the bell. "Come on." I grabbed her hand pulling her up with me. She groaned in response. This girl really does hate Fridays.

"I'm not walking you to class. Fridays suck and that's so much more energy to use on this terrible day." Her words came out like she was bleeding to death.

I simply rolled my eyes at her. "Okay. Have a fun class."

I could tell she was annoyed by my words at the glare she gave me as I walked away. She has her least favorite class now. As for me I have my favorite class. It has that title for numerous reasons.

"Hola Carter." Miss Cameron said gaining my attention at the door..

"Buenas tardes." I smiled.

Before I went in the room she said, "Después de esta clase tengo los detalles y cosas sobre esta noche."

"¡Está bien!" I felt the excitement buil up inside me. "No puedo esperar hasta entonces." I actually can't wait to be alone with her. And not at this school where we have to be professional.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now