Chapter Twenty-One

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"Ember get up!" I said. I'm already dressed and ready and she's well still sleeping. I also have my coffee in hand.

"But I don't wanna." She groaned but sat up. Her hair was a mess and she had spit around her mouth her face was also droopy from just waking up.

"Now I have your coffee made for when you are dressed and ready to leave." Yeah I had to be clear with the ready or she'll drink it immediately and make us late for school.

"Okay I'll get ready. Shoo." She waved me out of the room and I left.

I went to the couch and waited. I can't leave till she's ready because she doesn't have a car and apparently took a Uber here last night. So she has 7 minutes till I'm leaving.

She came out in five yelling, "Where's the coffee!"

"I'm the counter in a cup." I told her as I stood up. "You get that then we are leaving."

She nods and runs to the counter then back with her cup. "Let's go." We grabbed our bags and went to the car. She go in the passenger side and I did the driver side. I put my bag in back then started the car and left.

We arived and walked inside to her locker. She always needs something from it.

"Well I'm already tired of today." She said slamming her locker shut.

"I don't know how to help with that. Sorry. You only have eight more hours or school."

She groaned, "That is to long."

"It's the same as an average day, Ember. You'll get through it."

"But why eight hours. That's a third of my day. And if course I have to get some sort of sleep so let's take away eight more hours. That leaves me with another eight, with that I have to eat, do homework if I have any, and get ready for school along with a few others thing in-between. So I only have about five or six hours of whatever left if the day besides school. It's to much." She said. "And five hours is not that much if I want to do anything. I'll be worn out at the end of the day so school should really be less time consuming." She added on.

I'm sold.

"Yeah your right, for once." I agreed. "Now that was an amazing speech but I'm going to get to class."

"Bye bitch!" She yelled after me.


"Alright everyone. Your writing should be done so we are presenting today." Miss Cameron said as her eyes met mine with a smile. "Any volunteers to go first?" She looked back around the room.

No one offered so she went from the front to right to the left. Leaving me as the last presenter. Yay.

Everyone's writing was.. interesting. They did the bare minimum. As expected.

"Carter you are up." She said and I grabbed my paper.

I walked up to the front and tried to calm my nerves but manly failed. I took a deep breath then started...

"He conocido a esta chica,
La más bella del mundo,
Ojos marrones dorados que te atraen hacia adentro,
Una sonrisa que hace que el mundo entero se detenga por un rato.

Ah, ¿su nombre?
Eso no es importante,
En este momento,
Pero lo que es, no es solo su apariencia,
Pero ella todo.

Y la atracción gravitacional,
siento por ella,
Hay mucho más,
Que ni siquiera puedo empezar,
Para explicar con palabras."

(I have met this girl,
The most beautiful in the world,
Golden brown eyes that pull you inside,
A smile that makes the whole world stop for a while.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now