Chapter Thirty-Seven

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What just have one and a half weeks of school before winter break? Why can't we just have one long break?!

I also just want to be with ym girlfriend, like the last two weeks. I love her seeing her as a teacher, she's obviously very passionate about and I love that, but I love being able to kiss, hug, and cuddle her.

Fuck school.

Yet I refuse to quit.

Arriving at school, Alex is here, I see her car. As for Ember, I doubt she is. I'm always before her, Alex is usually here before us because she's a teacher.

I leaned on the locker besides Embers. I don't think anyone uses this one. If someone does then they never do when I'm here. And I'm here during almost every break.

"Carter!'' I heard from down the hall. Ember, of course.

I looked over at her doing her little jog twords me. "Hiya bitch." Her greeting. "Like no one's here, what the hell." She opened her locker and looked around the hall.

There is usually more people here.

"Yeah. It's probably because of the bullshit one and a half weeks we have to be here. Why not keep the week longer or combine the breaks." I said.

"Mhm." The locker slammed shut. "I bet I know why you are here."

"Because I don't want to do another year of highschool?" I tried to avoid her comment, it's coming anyway.

"Because of your girlfriend." She teased.

"Could be a factor." I turned away from her. "Bye. And shut the fuck up! We're at school."

Shit. I came face to face with, "Brooks, detention." Mr Hall said Infront of me.

"Mmm, thanks." I muttered walking away. This is amazing, I have work after as well.

Maybe Alex will be the detention teacher. Hopefully.


"It's funny you always get detention and not me." Ember pointed out. "I do that shit more than you."

"Well Mr Hall has it out for me." I sighed, as I gathered my stuff in my bag. "Even though I haven't really gotten detention since this year."


Soon enough the bell rang. Sadly Ember was not able to take me to class. It's so sad, I know.

I took my seat after greeting Alex. I looked at the lesson plan, she actually remembered to change it today! It's been the same for the last few days we had school. Of course I took the time to bug her about it.

She said I should remind her but what would be the fun in that?

"Alright everyone. Make sure you have a pencil and paper. We are taking some notes today then filling out some paperwork after." There is the shine in her eyes. I love watching her teach.

She started the lecture thing. Yes I took notes, although it wasn't needed. I just only took a few, enough to look like I was working.

"You all can leave with the bell." Alex announced. I watched her go back to her desk and put away some papers.

The bell went off and everyone was out in a hurry. Alex didn't even get to the door before everyone was gone. She smiled as the door closed. She walked over to me and sat in the desk across like usual.

"Carter, before anything can I just see your notebook real quick?" I could tell there was some humor in that. "I just want to check something." She reached her hand out.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now