Chapter Nineteen

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She kissed me as we stumbled our way to her bedroom. My legs hit the back of the bed and I fell onto it as she went with me.

She pulled my shirt over my head as I unbuttoned hers. Now we're just left in our underwear.

She closed the gap between us and connected our lips. I felt her breath travel to my jawline as she left kisses all over it. Her hands were traveling up and down my body as mine were in her back.

Then her head traveled to my neck and I gasped as she left bite marks. Her hands traveled to my center and I jerked at her touch.

Suddenly I jerked awake in a bed that was not mine, also in her clothes. So Alex's guest room and clothes and a sorta sex dream?

I sat up straight and held my hand in my hands. "What time is it?" It's still dark but it has to be sometime in the morning.

I went to the edge of the bed and grabbed my phone from the charger she left me borrow. 5:24am the time read.

"Well shit." I sighed. I can't ever go back to sleep after waking up from any sort of dream. What the hell am I going to do. Alex is definitely asleep and I don't want to wake her. I also don't want to go mess with her food and stuff. But I don't want to just sit here for a few hours.

My stomach makes a noise and I glare at the wall. "No way you are hungry. We just woke up five minutes ago, plus you know we don't eat breakfast." Why the fuck am I talking to my stomach.

Wait no. I'm not hungry I need to take a shit. Great. I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed. I gently closed the door behind me and made my way downstairs. I'm not waking her by the sound of a toilet.

I came out of the bathroom and went to the living room. I looked around but decided on sitting on the couch. What else would I do? It's so early and I don't want to wake Alex with anything. And I'm not going to eat her food without asking. It's how I am I can't take what's others without ask. Don't asked me why.

So I've been in my phone for an hour already. It's only six thirty ish. My phone is actually managing to entertain me. I would like to read something but I can keep playing games and listening to music. I should have tried to go back to sleep but oh well, to late now I'm already up.


I heard footsteps from the stairs and I looked twords the hall. She was coming in the living room with her messy hair and the cloths she slept in.

She turned and caught me staring, she smiled and walked over to the couch in front of me and sat down. "Good morning." I said.

"Morning." Her voice was raspy and it sounded hot honestly. "How long have you been up?"

"Since five thirty I think."

"Why were you up so early?" She asked.

"Well I... I just couldn't go back to sleep so I came down here."

"¿No has comido todavía?"

"No I haven't eaten." I responded putting my phone down.

She sighed, "Why not?"

"B-because." Great response Carter, just great.

She held my hand and smiled. "You know you can always have the food I have and do whatever you want, right?"

"W-well.. yeah, no." I responded in a wisper.

"Well you can. The food anything. When your here have whatever you want and do whatever you want. Remember that." She kissed my hand and it left a tingle. "Now do you want some breakfast?"

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now