Chapter Four

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Sunday, one of my least favorite days of the week. Only because it reminds me I gotta do school tomorrow, work, and everything.

What to do today? I don't want to stay in this house all day. I could go to a cafe for some coffee, then what? That's not an all day activity.

I'll figure it out as I go then.

I got a black jacket with a grey inside, a plane white shirt for under, some black ripped jeans and my combat boots. I only ever wear combat boots

I know it's summer and still hot out and I'll be wearing a jacket, yes. Why? Um, I got lots of scars on my arms, torso, and some on my legs, from my so called parents.

Lucky I have none on my head. I hate showing them, so I always wear long sleeves and pants. I've gotten use to it.

Leaving my room I grabbed my keys, don't need coffee if I'm leaving to get it right now. I'm already ready so let's leave. The sooner I get the coffee the better.


When I arrived I saw there was no line. So I went and ordered giving the person my name then sat at a table by a window.

All I brought with me was my keys phone and wallet. No bag as usual unless I got school that day, then I will most definitely have a backpack.

I left my hair down today like always. I would wear my hair up but scars. I also just hate how it looks up, if it does go up I need to put a hat on, only way it looks good.

"Carter!" My name got called.

I smiled as I got up. Making my way to the counter I was exited for my coffee.

Thanking the person I walked back to that table. I sat down and went on my phone, I started scrolling through random stuff.

After only a few minutes i wanted to leave. I never do stay and finish my drink at cafe's. I always wondered home before then.

I gathered my thing putting my phone and wallet in my pockets and keys and drink in my hands.

As I stood up I instantly collided into someone, spilling my coffee all over my jacket, not my shirt just my jacket.


"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I heard them speak from Infront of me.

I looked up and saw it was Miss Cameron. "It's alright. I wasn't either." I smiled weakly, as I took my jacket off.

"I'll get you a new coffee." She said finally looking at me, "Carter?"

"Yeah, don't worry about the coffee I was just leaving." I responded.

When I was done taking my jacket off I saw her eyes travel to my arms. I rubbed my hands along my arms and ended up crossing them so you couldn't see anything.

"I am getting you a new drink." She pushed. "Also take this." She took her sweatshirt off and placed it in my hands, probably noticed my discomfort.


"What were you drinking? So I can replace it." She insisted yet again.

"A regular coffee with some sugar." I caved and told her, I hate people don't shit for me.

She left to order that and I put the sweatshirt on.

When she came back she apologized again and handed me my coffee. I took it not wanting to be rude.

"Well I better get going, thank you Miss Cameron." I said as we both headed out.

"Yeah, te veo mañana." She waved.

Then we parted ways. Looks like I gotta do laundry now.

I just did laundry right before I went to sleep, but surly I still have something dirty.

I was right, I just got home. I walked into my bathroom and yes I have clothes In there on the floor. So I did do laundry, only the stuff in my room though.

I piled the jacket on and scooped the close up in my arms. Lucky for my I can do cleaning all week. I'm off  again this week. My boss called earlier when I was driving to the cafe and insisted I took another off. Of course I accepted. If I didn't she'd probably make me anyway.


"Hola Ember." I said as I picked up the video call she started.

"Hello beautiful. What did you do this wonderful day?"

"Well lots and lots of cleaning, I got to bored." I paused for a second and thought. "Oh! Can't forget seeing Miss Cameron at the cafe."

"Really? You saw her? What happened?" She raised her voice.

"Jeez hold your horses. I was just getting coffee and as I was leaving we bumped into each other." The short version of the response.

"I can tell that's not all. What else?" Of course she needs to know more.

"I spilled my coffee on me, specifically my jacket only. I took the jacket off because I don't want to be sticky. She looked at my arms but saw I was uncomfortable and let me use her sweatshirt. Then she got me a replacement coffee." I explained in more detail.

She squealed, "That's amazing! Not the spilling the coffee and her probably seeing your scar's. I mean it's amazing she lent you her sweatshirt and got you a drink!"

"Why's that so great?"

"She gave you something, bought you something. " She said trying to make it obvious. Yes I knew what she meant but no.

"It's not like she likes me, and I most definitely don't like her." I said rolling my eyes.

"Mhm, whatever you say."

"Also I'm not keeping the sweatshirt just borrowed it."

"Potato, potahto." She responded acting like her hands were a scale. "We'll see tomorrow, you are giving it back then, right?"

"Yes of course. Already put it in my bag."

"Just checking." She said.

"Well I better go, same to you. School night and it's late. Goodnight." I hung up before she convinced me to stay up later.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now