Chapter Twelve

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Yesterday was painful and I couldn't sleep because my head was pounding so hard. I told my boss I'd be good to come in today so let's hope I actually can. As for Ember I didn't tell her yet, it will be a fun surprise for her today.

I already looked like shit when I got out of bed and I don't nothing to change that, besides brush my hair and teeth and change clothes. I still look like a mess. But who cares, not me.

I already had my coffee and that did nothing. So I took some ibuprofen and went to school. The dizziness is still here but I can manage. Let's just pray Miss Cameron doesn't notice. She would probably make me stay home again, I don't want that.

I went out to the garage focusing on not falling and went into my car. I started it then left. Simple and easy

The drive felt longer than usual but I made with to school in one piece. So it's a plus, I guess. I also didn't get her like 30 minutes before needed, I got here when I usually do.

I walked into school like usual and went to Embers locker. In a surprising turn of events she's waiting for me.

"What the fuck? You're here before me!" I said as I approached her.

"And you look like shit!" She smiled, "I got up early so I left early. Why do you look like shit?"

I sighed, "I got a concussion and didn't bother getting ready because I'm dizzy and my head is pounding." Quick and easy explanation.

"You didn't go to work right? And why are you here if it's so bad?"

"Because I didn't want to miss anything. And no I didn't go to work because Miss Cameron made me stay home." She smiled at the mention of my teachers but I just learned on the locker for support.

"Oh, she did?" I nodded, "How'd she even know you had the concussion?"

Why all these questions Ember?! Why!

"Because I fell in her class and hit my head on her desk. Then she made me get checked out at the nurse. Even though I said I was fine multiple times she made me." All Ember did was smile.

"Are you dizzy right now?" She asked.

"Definitely. The hall is a little sideways and if I were not on this locker I would either be on the floor or trying my best to stand."I responded looking around the hall behind ember.

She was looking behind me then smirked.

I gave her a confused look, "What?"

She just shrugged and kept looking behind me. I decided to follow her eye line and surprisingly Miss Cameron was walking twords us.

In all honesty she looked amazing but she always does.

Then she stopped besides me.

"Mind if I take Carter for a moment?" She asked twords Ember.

She just smiled and shook her head, "Nope go right ahead."

Miss Cameron thanked her and pulled me by my arm. She took me to her classroom then shut the door.

"How's your head doing?" She asked when she turned back around.

"Yeah it's um great?" Came out as a question. Great.

"You sure because that was a question. Tell me the truth."

"It's dizzy and hurts but I took some medicine for the pain so it's not as bad."

Then I almost fell forward from everything spinning. Miss Cameron caught quickly caught me and I felt my arms tingle and stomach do something.

"You should have stayed home, Carter." She said helping me stand back up.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now