Chapter Fifty-One

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I have been staying at Alex's, of course. But I have not been staying in her classroom during Gym, as planned.

We do think my theory was correct, we haven't gotten anything about us needing to do anything or threats again. Even though I am not wearing short sleeves, in public at least, with Alex I do.

"Carter!" I heard a yell. Then Ember fell into the locker.

"Ember!" I tried to hide my laughter. "How did you fall into the locker?"

She shot me a glare as I did not hide me laugh well. "I miscalculated how far they were from me when I jumped. Now shut up."

"How did-" she pointed her finger out me to make me shut up. "Nevermind then." I smiled.

Her locker shut as she swung her bag over her shoulder. "We don't talk about that."

Oh I'm telling Stephanie. "Alright, I won't tell a soul." I started to walk backwards. "See you in English."

"Well then, bye bitch." She huffed and walked away.


"I'm ready to graduate and leave this damn place!" Ember dropped the pencil we were using to play our game. "Are you?'

"Yes I am." I drew a line and completed a box. "Just a few more days." I sighed.

"Want to play hangman?" She asked, ignoring the fact we are in the middle of a game.

"We have to finish this game." I pointed out but she was already ripping the paper.

"What game?" She threw the pieces in her bag. "I don't see one in progress. Let's play hangman. I get the first word!"

Before I could argue she was already making the lines for her words. Great. Also I definitely won that game, she forfeited.

"Take a guess." She spun the paper so I could see better.

"A.." I said, she put all the A's in place. "E.." same thing. "I.. O... U."

"You got all the vowels down. Make and actual guess." She kept the paper facing her this time.

"Not all.." I smirked. "Sometimes y." She grabbed the pen and wrote the y, I thought she was going to break the pen.

I pointed to a spot, "that is 'I'm'. Also you have to put the apostrophe."

"I don't have to do shit." She mumbled. "Happy?" She did the shit anyway.

I nod. "G and r."

"Random letters." She said.

I made a look and moved my hands around. "Is that not what I'm supposed to be guessing?!"

"No! You should guess random letters that aren't in the sentence." She turned the paper back to me but from the force it almost turned back to her.

"You gave me a whole sentence! There is going to be a lot of letters. And I'm going to guess what I want." I glanced at the paper. "D and t."

She grabbed the pen and put the two letters down.

"That's not how you spell graduate." I pointed out. Which earned a groan from Ember. "And your sentence is 'I'm ready to leave this hell hole and graduate'. Only you spelled graduate wrong and there was no apostrophe."

"You cheated!" Ember accused. "You had no wrong letters and you got the stupid sentence."

"How could I have cheated?" I leaned back in my chair. "Did I have a look inside your head?"

"Must have! You win every damn game." She grabbed the pen and paper to stuff in her bag.

"I'm just great at every game." Or she did something so on brand that I just knew it.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now