Chapter Thirteen

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The week was painful and fast. Lucky the dizziness it barley there but the headache still is.

Nothing important has happened just school then work. I've spent most days after Spanish in Miss Cameron's class, it was actually really nice.

She just... I don't know how to explain it but it's like she makes me feel better. It's different I don't know how to explain it alright.

I'm waiting at Embers locker as always, I'm before her.

Today is already weird because I didn't see Miss Cameron's car when I got here. She's usually already here or arriving as I arrive. But that's fine. Yeah.

"Hey Carter!" I heard from behind me.

"Hello there Ember. You ready for this day?" I smiled as I know she hates school on Fridays. I don't know why.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Definitely, not. I want to go home and sleep. It should be the weekend already."

I just laughed as she struggled to open her locker.

"Don't laugh. Come help me!" She glared at me.

I put my hands up and stepped back. "You know I don't know how to open those, I don't use mine."

"I don't care. It will give me something the laugh at."

I rolled my eyes and leaned back on the lockers.

"Finally!" She exclaimed as she jumped back almost falling. "I got it open! No thanks to you."

I smiled and looked around. There were a few kids in the hall but they were all in groups talking. Nothing exciting as always.

"Do you want to do something this weekend, Carter?"

"We'll see. I don't have work this weekend so probably."

She nodded and grabbed a book from her locker, "Sounds good, I'll text you later. The bells about to ring." Then she gently slammed her locker shut.

"Bye then." I said.

"See ya!" Then we split ways.


The day has been very fast going. Weird it's usually really slow. I'm sitting in English talking to Ember because we have nothing to do. Right me we are discussing... life? I am not paying attention. My mind is going blank.

"I think it's crazy how you got your own car a good job and a house, all at the age of nineteen." She said regarding me.

"I'm not ninete-" hold up. "Woah. Wait a second. I am nineteen." Did I just forget my age and almost everything she just said about me? Yep. "Holy shi- I just forgot my age and everything you said."

She has a shocked but amused face, "How do you mange that you idiot."

"You know, I don't know."

"You had the best facial expression. You were all stunned and dumbfounded. It was hilarious!"

I simply rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

Just in time the bell saved me.

"Sorry to say but I need to get to class on time today." She did an over exaggerated sigh.

"So sad." I fake frowned.

I walked out of the class going the opposite way as Ember. Time for Spanish, how fun. Actually it is fun most of the time.

"Hola señorita." I said with a smile to Miss Cameron.

"Buenas tardes, Carter." She smiled as well.

I took a seat at my desk and waited for the class to start.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now