Chapter Thirty-One

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"Why the fuck isn't the house clean?!" My mother yelled, barging into my room. "We have guests coming any minute not!"

I avoided all eye contact and looked at the door behind her. "I just got home." I whispered, knowing she wouldn't accept that.

She gave me a hard slap across my face and I tumbled off my bed onto the floor. My body ached from the days prior and as I hit the ground I hurt more.

"You were supposed to have left Embers two hours ago! You should have been home." Her leg collided with mine. I almost yelled out in pain but that's a terrible idea.

"You didn't get me like you said you would. I had to walk. And. I took longer because of the snow." And my pain.

Before I could even think my head got hit and there was ringing in my ears. My eyes stayed closed and I waited for her next move.

"Your father had to go fill out some paperwork before the party today. The one you were supposed to have the house cleaned for." She said through gritted teeth.

"I'm... sorry." The ringing got louder and my eyes got lazy.

I felt one more kick to the stomach.

"He will be home soon and not so happy." Then my door slammed shut.

I didn't even get five minutes till my door open again. From the sounds of the footsteps it's my father. And I'm still on the floor.

"Get off the fucking floor, you weak bitch." He demanded.

I  obeyed and did so. Even if my whole body was screaming and in pain. I stood the best I could and looked at the wall behind him.

Before another word uttered either of our mouths I felt a sting in my hand and heard a loud smack sound. I stumbled backwards and he took steps forward following me.

"You know to have the house cleaned. Especially before we have guests over!" Another hit to my stomach. "You are nothing if you can't do that!" He hit me again and I stumbled into the wall and fell.

"You are nothing! Do you hear me? Nothing! But a waist of space on this earth. A disgrace!" Wow big word. I didn't think he knew those.

One more hit and the lights went out.

I jumped awake and stopped myself from screaming. My breaths were fast till I remembered where I was. At Alex's.

Then why did I have a nightmare? I never do when here. But it wasn't a bad one where I woke up and was sweating and couldn't breathe.

Maybe my body knew I was here or something.

My thoughts were interrupted but footsteps that belonged to Alex. And to prove it she opened the door and walked in.

"Carter. What happened? A-are you okay?" She asked me, jogging her way over.

Now why did she stutter? She never does. Also her face is red. And she's in a robe...

I shook my head, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. What are you doing in here?" Seriously why?

"You yelled. Or started to." Alex said, as she sat besides me. "I would have come in sooner but... I was um just getting out of the bath." She said like it was a question.

"Mhm. I just had a stupid nightmare again. It's nothing to worry about though." But from her face I could tell she was worried. "Alex, don't worry about it. I have them often."

"That doesn't make it okay."

"I'm okay so it's okay." I shrugged and she thought about what to say but said nothing.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now