Chapter 1

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A cool breeze swept away the brown locks of Hermione's hair from her face. She stuffed her hands in her coat pockets, hurried her face further into her red scarf, and closed her eyes as she focused on the sound of the leaves crunching beneath her boots.

Finding herself a vacant park bench, she sat down and began to reflect, "It had been 5 years since Ron and I had gotten married, it only took 3 weeks to finalize our divorce, and 1 word to strip me of everything I wanted in life...Infertility. A word such as that one evokes multiple emotions all at once, and nearly rips your heart into pieces...that is, if you wanted children, and oh how I would have loved to have a few of my own...Ronald wanted us to have a whole Burrow's worth..."

She shook her head at the thought, keeping her eyes closed so as to not let any tears shed, "he wanted his own flesh & blood children...and the doctors said my uterus may not be a suitable environment..."

She sighed, giving herself a moment to compose herself before opening her eyes to a scenery of reds, yellows, browns, and oranges. The trees were so lovely, she almost cried anyway at the sight of them.

A few people were at the park, some casually walking with friends and loved ones, a few joggers, and a dog or looked so normal for them.

Continuing to people-watch, Hermione continued to preoccupy herself with her thoughts, "If only I was able to produce children, and Ron wasn't so against surrogacy...perhaps he'd still want me as his wife...perhaps I'd still be working for the Ministry of Magic's Head of Research and be having lunch with him at this hour while he's on his break from Auror duties..."

Hermione felt a tug on her coat sleeve, breaking her away from her thoughts. She turned her head to see a little boy with nearly white hair and big grey eyes. The boy couldn't be any older than 6 years old, "Why do you look so sad?"

Hermione gave the child a sheepish look, "Oh did I look sad? I'm sorry, just having a hard time right now, but I will be okay. There are times in life where you just have to go through it to grow through it."

The little boy didn't look so convinced but nodded his head anyway, taking a seat beside the red-nosed and puffy-eyed Hermione. "Sometimes when I'm sad, I go to the park by myself to people-watch since I live close by. I guess you're doing the same thing too."

Hermione gave a sad smile, "You are correct. Lately, I come here to just take in all my surroundings and...just be, but tell me, why are you sad?"

He shrugged, "I'll tell you my problems if you tell me yours first."

The woman chuckled before sighing, "I've been told there's a chance I may never be able to bear children, and because of husband and I had gotten a divorce. I tried to seek alternatives to make it happen for have a family of our own...but he wants the process to happen in a natural way, otherwise...there's no point in us continuing our marriage at all..."

Hermione shook her head before continuing, "Goodness, hearing me saying it all out loud and to a child nonetheless!... I must sound silly for being upset over a stubborn and close-minded prick."

The boy smiled as he observes a small chuckle finally escape the woman's lips, "You look pretty when you smile, my mum had the same smile."

That sentence melted Hermione's heart, "Thank you, I'm sure your mother's very pretty."

The boy stood up from the park bench before slowly speeding away, "I'm happy to have met you, Miss, I have to go now since my father will be worried about me being gone for too long. I'll be sure to visit you more often if I see you sitting alone here again...Oh, and the reason I was sad was because my father's sad."

Waving goodbye to the little boy, Hermione called out, "I'm looking forward to seeing you again, take care on your way home, and make sure to give your father an extra long hug!"


Sighing as she sunk into her living room couch, kicking off her boots and lazily removing her scarf with one hand, Hermione began to reminisce about the time when her life was still simple, "Ron & I had gotten married the year after the war had ended, Ginny and Harry were welcoming their son James, followed by Albus 2 years later into the world, working and getting promoted in the Ministry...all that's in the past now..."

Shaking her head, she sat up, pulled her wand out of her boot, and pointed at a few moving boxes nearby. Picture frames, lamps, a loudspeaker, a crimson rug, a large dark oak bookshelf, a Flatscreen TV, and an army of books flew out of the boxes and began to arrange themselves nicely within the all-white living room, save for the red couch and matching loveseats that were already situated.

Hermione sighed "Thank Merlin for magic..."

A couple of hours passed and she was finally finished decorating her new home in the Muggle world. Luckily for Hermione, as a farewell gift from the Ministry after her resignation, they had gifted her this home which allowed her to access the floo system with the living room fireplace. Ginny and Harry were the only ones allowed access to visit the heartbroken woman, and they made sure to exercise their abilities as much as possible.

A figure of a man appeared first, "Blimey Hermione! Look what you've done with the place, it looks fantastic!"

a figure of a woman emerged shortly afterward, "Oooh I love how cozy it is already! James and Albus are gonna love coming over to play!"

Hermione laughed as she went to give Ginny and Harry greeting hugs, "Not even 2 seconds in my new home and you're already making it a daycare center."

Ginny grinned, "Well since you're the Brightest Witch of our Generation, I believe you'll be an outstanding parental figure in our sons' lives."

Hermione rolled her eyes, smiling, "Riiiiight right that's it, totally not because you want some more alone time with The Boy Who Lived."

Harry coughed and turned his head to the side to hide his reddening face. Ginny gave the woman a playful shove, "Oh hush....but yes, hehe."

Hermione sighed, "I've missed you come help me prepare some dinner. Had I known you two would be visiting immediately I would've ordered some Muggle food."


Author's Note:

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I've been planning on starting to publish this fanfic by the first week of December, so if you're seeing this, hopefully I've already completed the story, or at least am close to completing it.

Please star the chapters if you wish, thank you :)

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