Chapter 19 (Christmas Pt. 2)

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"Oi, Malfoy! Shouldn't you be hosting this party instead of sneaking away with Granger? I know for certain you're both on Santa's Naughty List." Blaise wiggles his eyebrows and smirked at the happy couple. Looking quite dashing in his dark green suede suit, cosmetic elf ears, and fancy looking elf shoes and hat.

Draco had a huge grin on his face while Hermione blushed. The man in question spoke, "You know you didn't have to dress up like the ladies had, Christmas colored robes would've sufficed."

Blaise shook his head, grinning widely, "It's Christmas! Give into the commercialism, Malfoy!"

Draco's eyebrows shot up, "You're wayyy too happy right now...did Loony Lovegood finally decide to jingle your bells?"

Hermione slapped his arm, and gave him a pointed look, "It's Luna, and Blaise...I didn't know you had an interest in my friend."

He cleared his throat and looked away to hide a blush growing on his cheeks, "Well...her whimsical nature is quite adorable...Don't tell her I said that."

Hermione grinned, before she or Draco could say anything however, the lights in the ballroom began to dim and Narcissa Malfoy was raised 3 meters off the ground via an ascending platforms designed to be a large Christmas Presents.

A spotlight followed her, and her voice rang throughout the ballroom as he tapped her wand to make sure the voice projection spell was working, "Testing, 1,2,3...yes, okay. Good evening dearest witches, wizards, and all magical beings here celebrating Christmas at the re-renovated Malfoy Manor!"

Hoots and hollers reverberated throughout the hall before Narcissa continued, "Now, Christmas in the Wizarding World was brought to us by the Muggles and their beliefs, we don't celebrate it the way they do however, but instead celebrate it for what it represents: Hope, Love, Joy, and most importantly for me...Family."

Scorpius made his way up the stairs of the platform to stand beside Narcissa. Draco and Hermione took their cue, excusing themselves from Blaise's company to take their place beside Narcissa and Scorpius.

The older witch wrapped an arm around Hermione, smiling proudly at her before looking back onto the crowded ballroom, "It is with great joy that I will be now passing the wand to Hermione Granger, for she and my son here have big news to share with you all."

Hermione's nerves and excitement were apparent as she took over the wand to speak, "As some of you may have gathered from this evening...Draco and I are in fact, in a relationship."

Murmurs of shock and surprise rang through the crowd. She caught sight of Harry, Ginny, and Blaise among them (the only ones who knew about their romance), all of whom were smiling ear to ear. Hermione grinned even further after looking at Draco, "We also would like to share with you all that we are with child...and I'm not just referring to Scorpius here."

Gasps now rang through the hall, Draco had to keep from laughing at the sight of their friends' mouths hanging wide open from the news.

Hermione had passed the wand to him, and he cleared his throat, "Yes...I know how much this may come as a shock for everyone, however, I want to clarify that, although Hermione and I will be having a baby, we will wait until after the baby is born, to be married. Initially, in our relationship, we wanted to take things slowly, however, things have been a bit sudden, but..."

He gently placed his free hand on Hermione's stomach and smiled lovingly at her, causing her to silently wiped away her tears of joy. He continued, "This is our Christmas Miracle...and we would like to share this with you all..."

He looked over appreciating the sight of Narcissa, Scorpius, and Hermione beside him, "from my yours! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas! Congratulations! Cheers!" All rang throughout the crowd.

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