Chapter 16

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Scorpius smiled brightly as he found Hermione behind a new stack of books, "Are these for me?"

She looked up to see the boy and returned his smile, "Hello little one, these books are for the wizards & magical creatures floor, I'm preparing for the Hogwarts students December break as a good amount of them tend to leave the school to visit their families, and have no access to the Hogwarts library."

"So you have the same books here as they do at Hogwarts?" Scorpius eyes looked at the stack in awe.

She chuckled, "I wish I did, I couldn't possibly fit all the books Hogwarts has into the 3rd floor of my shop."

"You could cast an expanding charm on the third floor, then you could fit it all." Scorpius suggested.

The woman's eyebrows shot up and immediately began to consider that possibility, "That is how your father made the inside of your house much larger than the outside...that could also increase revenue for the shop..."

Scorpius nodded and magically levitated the stack of books to pick out one that had caught his eye. "May I borrow this one?"

She reached over the cashier desk and ruffled up his hair, "Of course you can, just be sure to take good care of it and return it to me once you're done. I must warn you though, that's a quite a bit of advanced reading."

"Thanks Mum 'Mione! No need to worry about my reading skills, I am my father's son." He grinned and quickly ran to the nearest reading corner he could find.

He eyed the cover of the book, "Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes by E. Limus..."

After an hour into reading the book...he found it was indeed a bit hard to read. However, he remained invested in reading one particular spell over and over again to get a better grasp of it.

Scorpius quietly read aloud, "Succedo Fertilem is a nonverbal spell that allows magical beings increased fertility and lasts roughly 24 hours...the spell is risky, even for some advanced witches and wizards as it requires full concentration when casted...if done incorrectly, the spell backfires and may induce infertility or deformity of the child (or children) it may produce...The only way to reverse the charm gone wrong is to redo the spell properly while the charmed being either hasn't conceived or is still in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy."

Scorpius looked the spell over, and thought to himself, "I need to look up what fertility and infertility means...Mum 'Mione spoke about it once before...I should also look up deformity and conceived..."


It was the second week of December and things had gotten more hectic for Hermione. There had been a day when she had customers lining up in a zig-zagged formation through the bookshelves on the first floor, just to wait and purchase their books.

"Perhaps it would be best if I don't expand the 3rd floor...less books to purchase means less people, and less people means an easier time during the Holidays...or perhaps I should just hire another person to help me run the shop instead of finding excuses not to interact with more people..." She thought with a sigh after finally watching the last customer for the day exit the shop, quickly making her way to turn over her sign to say 'Closed'.

Before she could do so, a familiar father-son duo appeared on the other side of the door. Both began making wacky faces behind the glass and taunting her to let them in.

She shook her head, laughing as she opened the door, and ushered them in before officially closing the bookstore for the day, "Now what are you fine gentlemen doing here? I thought your grandmother was coming to visit today?"

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