Chapter 7

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"Miss Hermione!" Scorpius ran through her book store to greet the woman.

Hermione smiled, bending down to give him a big hug, "Scorpius! I haven't seen you in a while! I've been going to the park almost everyday now and I don't see you!"

Scorpius grinned, "Father has been taking me to visit Aunt Daphne after school. She's been showing me pictures of mum and her when they were little and growing up. Aunt Daphne also has a picture of you and mum at a party!"

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, trying to recall ever attending a party where she and Astoria were ever in. A slow realization had hit her, "Oh...was this the Yule Ball at Hogwarts?"

Scorpius nodded, "Yeah that one!"

Hermione smiled, "Your mum did look pretty...your Aunt Daphne too! I remember thinking she was a good dancer."

"Did you see my father at the ball? Was he also a good dancer?" Scorpius tilted his head curiously.

She fake-whispered, "Don't tell your father this, but I thought he was kind of handsome dancing so elegantly during the ball—despite being a ferret of course."

They both began to laugh until Hermione caught sight at a familiar Slytherin smirk on a man subtly leaning against a bookshelf, watching the duo. Hermione quickly cleared her throat before muttering, "He was still a prat anyway..."

"You know Granger," Draco started, "If I didn't know any better, I would've assumed you had a little crush on me."

The woman rolled her eyes, and teased, "Oh please, you and I both know you were insufferable at the time. Whatever attractiveness you may have had, was outshone by your inflated ego."

"So you admit I was attractive." Draco spoke smugly as he folded his arms over his chest.

Hermione sighed and shook her head, going back to rearranging the books she had beside her.

Scorpius remained silent, observing their exchange before turning to his father, "What about you dad? Did you think Miss Hermione was attractive too?"

Draco coughed, " hair wasn't as bushy as it usually was, and she did clean up quite nicely..."

Hermione spun back around, throwing a sly smirk back at him and folding her arms across her chest, "So you admit I was attractive."

Draco chuckled, "Fine! Fine...I'll admit...the princess was quite pretty that night. It's unfortunate I never got the chance to dance with you, what with Krum hogging you and the Weasel having made you run away...I tried finding you, you know."

Hermione stood there silently surprised, unsure how to respond before awkwardly joking, "What? So you could add on to my misery for the evening?"

Draco shook his head, "You know...maybe I would have...perhaps it was best that we never had our chance during our days at Hogwarts."

Hermione's eyes softened, mixed feelings of uncertainty and something else she couldn't put her finger on were bubbling up inside her, "Malfoy..."

"Scorpius," Draco spoke, looking at his son, quickly changing whatever topic they had begun to explore, but wasn't quite ready to touch upon yet, "Tell Miss Granger why you wanted to stop by here."

The little boy grinned widely with a glint in his eyes, "Halloween!"

Hermione tilted her head in confusion, "So you...wanted to get books related to Halloween?"

The boy shook his head, "I want to invite you to go Trick or Treating with us!"

The woman's eyes bulged out, "I'm sorry what?"

Draco smirked, "Oh c'mon Granger, you heard the little man, join us for a night of spooks and the dangers of diabetes due to sugar overload!"

Hermione chuckled and shook her head, "You know, my parents were both dentists, they always warned about the dangers of cavities, but always enjoyed the extra cash they'd make not too long after Halloween."

"So does that mean you'll go trick or treating with us? Please? Please go trick or treating with us!" Scorpius looked up at her with puppy dog eyes.

Hermione sighed, "Oh not the eyes...Merlin, how did I get myself tangled up with the Malfoy family like this? Alright fine! I'll join you—"

"YES!" Scorpius punched the air and jumped around excitedly.

"But!" Hermione spoke aloud, before grinning, "My only condition is that we do a group costume."


Draco sighed as he stood still while Scorpius shot plastic toy daggers at him, "Granger you better hurry up with your costume or else I'm leaving my son with you for the holidays!"

Hermione's muffled voice came from the bathroom, "I'll be a minute! I'm almost ready!"

Scorpius magically reloaded his belt with the toy daggers, fixed up his mask, and zoomed through the room, causing his cape to flow behind him.

Draco adjusted his own mask and cape while looking at the mirror, speaking in a gruff voice, "I'm vengeance."

Scorpius ran up next to him and struck a superhero pose, "And I'm Robin! Boy Wonder!"

Draco smirked before roughing up his sons hair, causing another round of toy daggers flying at him, "Help! Cat-woman! Robin's gone rogue! He's going to turn into Nightwing much sooner than anticipated!"

Hermione laughed as she exited the bathroom while fixing her own mask and cat ears, her latex body suit hugging her curves nicely, "Scorpius put those daggers away before you break something!"

"He started it!" Scorpius slanted his eyes at his father, who only stuck his tongue out at him in response.

Hermione shook her head, "Come on you two, let's start trick or treating while it's still early in the evening! When we get back home, we'll separate our candy piles into the candies we like, and the candies we don't like, and then trade each other if we want the others' candies."

"Is the how it's supposed to be done?" Draco asked surprised.

Hermione shrugged, "That's how I used to do it when I was a kid, my mum always loved Reese's peanut butter cups, so I would trade her mine for her snickers."

Scorpius stopped flapping his cape and looked at the woman, "I didn't know dentists also trick or treated."

Hermione laughed, "Well they are still human after all, and they were kids once, just like you, and just like your father and I used to be."

Scorpius just shrugged and began rushing to exit the house, the two adults followed suit, laughing at the boy's excitement.

Draco held the door opened, "After you, my lady."

Hermione's eyebrow quirked up at the same time the side of her mouth did, "My lady?"

Draco shrugged, "It's a figure of speech."

"Riiiight, riiight...well in that case, thank you, my good Sir," Hermione curtsied, causing Draco to laugh and bow in response.

As they exited the house, he held out his arm for her, which she happily held. However, he suddenly began quickly jogging, pulling Hermione along with him, and now holding her hand.

She started to laugh, "Slow down! Why are we running?"

"The little one is already on his second house! Us older folk can't let him rub his youth in our faces!" Draco exclaimed, causing her to laugh even more, struggling to keep up with his pace.

For the first time in a long time, Hermione began to feel butterflies in her stomach...and she didn't mind at all.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, hoped you liked this chapter, more playful and fun, and picking up the pace a bit with the Dramione action, hehe.

See you in the next chapter (^_^)

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