Chapter 15

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"Merlin! I've seen it all!" A tall dark and handsome wizard shrieked and quickly covered his eyes.

Draco and Hermione scrambled to cover themselves up with blankets and pillows from the bed. Draco hissed, "What are you doing here Zabini?"

The man in question quickly took a peek through his fingers and relaxed to see their tidbits covered, "I was alerted someone was in the private suite of the Capetown building, and so I went to check it out. You should've informed me you'd be dropping by and having....a guest over."

Draco sighed, combing a hand through his hair, "Sorry, I forgot to owl you before coming."

"I'm sorry to interrupt your coming." Blaise grinned cheekily, earning a pillow being thrown directly at his face. "Good to see you're doing well, Granger."

Hermione hid underneath the covers, giving a muffled and embarrassed response,"Likewise, Zabini."

"You can leave now," Draco huffed with annoyance.

The other wizard chuckled at the red-faced pair, "I must say Malfoy...I didn't know you had a birthmark on your—-"


Blaise laughed maniacally as he dodged hexes and curses from the naked blonde man, slamming the door shut behind him as he exited the private suite.

Draco placed his head in his hands, "I'm so sorry about that."

Hermione peeked her head out from the covers, "Why does Zabini get notified if someone's at any of your private properties?"

"The Malfoy's and the Zabini's have a complicated history together, but in recent years, we've been collaborating as business partners and customers of each other in a sense...Blaise is currently our personal realtor and estate security. He handles the finding, purchasing, and even protection of the estates we've bought from him." Draco shrugged.

Hermione's eyebrows raised, "That's quite the workload. What do you do for him?"

Draco had a thoughtful expression on his face, contemplating how to answer her question properly, "Before my father was given the Dementor's Kiss, he used to be one of Phaedra Zabini's...clean up guys. Apparently she had enough dirt on my father and my grandfather, that they've made a deal in regards to how she...handled her late-husbands' financial affairs."

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, "So you're telling me in exchange for keeping her murderous secrets, the Zabini's help you out with your assets?"

Draco sighed, "Not's no secret that she killed all her previous husbands for their money, but the Ministry can't pin her down for the murders because any evidence has since been erased by my father. After his death, there was no more use for her blackmail...Blaise probably had enough of her ways, and told her he'd ensure a steady income of money into the Zabini vault at Gringotts. He put his head down, put in the hard work, and was able to buy the realtor company that he had worked for after 4 years into the job. He and I have reestablished the Malfoy-Zabini relationship but with legal means."

Hermione had a look of appraisal on her face, "That's quite admirable..."

Draco rolled his eyes and chuckled, getting underneath the covers to lay beside her, "Crabbe and Goyle were my henchmen back in our school days, but Blaise was my partner in crime...we had a bit of falling out since I had taken the mark, but after my father's death, our business circumstances rekindled our this day I still consider him my best friend."

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