Chapter 8

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It was the 2nd week of November now and the trees were slowly becoming more and more sparse with leaves. It's become a regular occurrence now that Scorpius and Draco would stop by Hermione's bookstore after school and they would all walk back to the Malfoy's home for Draco to cook them all dinner. Scorpius would tell them about what he'd learn or done in his muggle school while Hermione and Draco would go back and forth bantering or reminiscing about their time back in Hogwarts (leaving out the traumatic bits for Scorpius' sake).

"Weasley? Really?" Draco scoffed and shook his head.

Hermione looked at him incredulously, "I'll have you know that Ronald was a very sweet man. He may not have been the brightest bulb in the attic, or the prettiest flower in the garden, but he was family-oriented, was one of my bestest friends, and always did whatever I asked of him!"

Scorpius looked up from his plate, gulping down his roasted potatoes, "I still think you could do a lot better."

Hermione spluttered while drinking water, causing Draco to laugh and gave his son a high-five, "Right you are my son!"

Hermione folded her arms across her chest. Draco shook his head, "You deserve more than just the bare-minimum, Granger."

The woman paused in surprise, her face showing a faint pink along her cheeks, "Well...what do you think I deserve if it's not Ron? Surely in your eyes he's above me in regards to the blood purity."

The man quickly looked at Scorpius and cleared his throat, "I don't think that way anymore, and for the future generations sake, let's leave that in the past."

Hermione paused, taking a moment to remind herself the man sitting across from her no longer looked down on her. She looked away, "I'm sorry."

Draco took a sip of his water and waved it off before continuing, "Anyway, back to the topic at hand...I believe you deserve someone who goes out of their way to see you smile at least once a day, everyday. Someone who you can rely on and count on, instead of them being dependent on you. Someone who can match you in conversation, intellectually, humorously, or otherwise. You are a woman of depth, grace, and wisdom...surely even you can tell his brain is not of a capacity to meet half of yours, and sure you may think he's sweet, but his love is all you've ever known. There could be a love so fiery...passionate...and addicting, out there, just waiting for you to give into the desires you never knew you've wanted so badly before."

Hermione gulped, maintaining eye contact with the man. A mix of emotions began bubbling up inside her under his gaze, "H-have you ever experienced...a love like that?"

Draco chuckled awkwardly, "maybe not experienced it firsthand...but I've seen how some couples can be. So wrapped up in each other, having their own little world as if no one else is in a room with them...I sometimes wished I would have that kind of love too...and I know for certain you deserve such a love. You deserve to feel wanted, confident, and secure, not just in general, but also because your person goes out of their way to ensure you feel like the gorgeous woman you know you are."

Scorpius looked on at the scene before him and continued to eat his chicken and roasted potatoes. Not entirely sure what was happening with the adults, but knew he should keep quite at this moment.

Hermione blushed furiously, "Gorgeous woman...since when did you think I was gorgeous?"

He spoke monotonously, "Don't worry about it, just know 👏🏻your 👏🏻 worth 👏🏻 queen. Slayyy 💅🏻"

She bursted out laughing, wiping away a stray tear as she began to calm down, "Thank you for that. I really needed that...I don't remember when was the last time I laughed that hard...Never in my life would I have expected those words to come out of your mouth."

Draco broke his bored expression into a grin at her reaction, "So...can you safely say you know your worth now and can give in to the possibility of someone better than weasel?"

Hermione sighed, contemplating for a moment before speaking, "I should have you know...Ron and I divorced because I'm unable to produce a baby."

The room was still. Scorpius stopped eating and both he and his father's eyes were wide in shock.

Hermione continued, "The doctors said that I have probably been pregnant before, but miscarried before I could learn of it due to hormonal imbalance and that my pH down there was a little too acidic than normal for any swimmers to even get passed the canal."

Scorpius looked between the two adults in confusion as to what big medical words Hermione had used even meant. Draco nodded, being able to understand unlike his poor son, "I'm sorry to hear that...I'm sure you would've been a great mother."

Hermione gave a sad smile, a far away look began to cloud her eyes. Scorpius finally spoke, "You can be my mum!"

Both adults now remembered he was there and whipped their heads quickly to him at his statement, both blushing furiously.

Draco coughed, "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy! You just don't ask those kinds of things all willy-nilly!"

Hermione gave an awkward laugh, "Scorpius, you already have a mother! I wouldn't want to replace her."

The little boy ignored his father and smiled brightly at the woman, "You wouldn't be replacing'd just be giving me another person to love."

Hermione's heart began to melt at the sincerity of the boy while Draco faltered slightly. Both adults looked at each other, neither knowing what to say, and unable to come up with a response.

Hermione looked back at the boy after a few moments, smiling as she took his hand in hers, "Scorpius, as much as I would love to have you as my child, things like this are a bit more complicated than you'd think."

The boy pouted a little, "Why can't you be my mum?"

Hermione looked to Draco for some help, not sure what to say to not hurt the boy's feelings. Draco cleared his throat, " order for her to be your step-mum, she would have to marry me...marriage is a serious commitment between two people, and should involve love...if there's no love...people get hurt."

Draco looked down at his folded hands with a sad and guilty look on his face. Hermione gently patted his hand in understanding, thinking of Astoria.

Scorpius eyebrows furrowed together as he began to think long and hard about something. Suddenly an idea came to mind and a smile began to creep onto his face, Hermione and Draco watched him with uncertainty and anxiety.

Scorpius began, "Miss Hermione,"

"What is it dear?" She asked.

"Why don't you and father go on a few dates! You can fall in love that way and then be my mum!" Scorpius insisted.

Draco sighed, "Son, you can't just—"

"Why can't I?" Scorpius stood up from the table indignantly, "Ever since you've seen Miss Hermione again, you've been happier! I don't even remember you being this happy since mum was still alive!"

Tears began flowing from the boys face and he quickly began to wipe away his runny nose onto his sweater, "Don't you want to be happy? Don't you want us to have a family again?"

Draco got up from his seat and rushed to his son's side, quickly hugging him to console him, but Scorpius pushed his arms away and backed away from his embrace, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight Miss Hermione."

With that, Scorpius ran away from the dining table and up the stairs, slamming his bedroom door shut behind him. The two adults remained at the dinner table, unsure of what to say or do.


Author's Note:
Poor Scorpius...I wonder what Hermione and Draco will do...I wonder how they feel about the possibility of being together (hehe)
We'll have to see in the upcoming chapters, hehe. See you then! (^_^)

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