Chapter 13

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(A.N./ It's a bit of a...mature chapter, if ya get my drift. Nothing too crazy, maybe a bit of robbing, but either way...turkey's weren't harmed in the making of this chapter 🤧✌🏻)

"Mum 'Mione, can the fingers be any color?" Scorpius asked after finishing his turkey hand outline and starting the coloring part of the mini art project.

She nodded her head, "Yes darling, you can use whatever colors you want for the fingers/tail part."

Draco had been silent throughout the majority of the project. She could tell he's been wanting to talk to her about yesterday's unfortunate events with Ron Weasley and nearly going to jail for it.

They had been seated at a picnic table at the front yard of the house, making hand turkey drawings, and the sun was high in the sky. If there wasn't a cold breeze, it would've felt like a summer day.

"There! All finished!" Scorpius smiled brightly.

"What a stunning hand turkey! Go inside and hang it up on the fridge while I help your father, and don't forget to finish your Thanksgiving Break reading your teacher assigned you!" Hermione called after the rushing boy.

For once, both adults were happy about the prospect of homework; finally allowing them to be alone to talk. Draco carefully shaded in his hand Turkey, "I saw the Daily Prophet and pulled a few strings to help you out. I'm glad to see you weren't hurt and made it out okay."

She sighed, "Thank you...I do appreciate what you did in that situation. Honestly, I'm glad the Aurors stopped me when they did...I would've been just as bad as the people we were up against during the war."

"Just as bad as me..." He spoke quietly.

"No." She took hold of his free hand, "Just as bad as Bellatrix or Voldemort...using forbidden and dangerous curses with disregard for the safety and welfare of others. Only because they wanted to, because they wanted to see others in pain, and took great pleasure from their misery."

Draco nodded, "I understand, if I was in your position, I would also knock the living day-lights out of the weasel...but then again, from my current position...I would say, good job 👍🏻"

She shook her head and chuckled, "Your hand turkey looks good."

"I only learn from the best." He smiled at her after looking up from his masterpiece, his silvery eyes almost looked ice-blue from the reflection of they sky above them.

"If you take a picture, it lasts longer." He smirked, breaking her out of her little trance.

Before she could say anything, he held his hands up, "Hey, I'm sorry if I was born with devilishly good looks. I understand your embarrassment of being caught staring so openly. It happens."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "You wish."

"So then what were you doing, Granger?" He leaned forward, a teasing grin on his face.

Fighting back a blush and not wanting to admit he was right in his assumption, she turned her nose up in the air, "Thinking about how punchable your face is. Reminds me of our third year..."

It was his turn to scoff and roll his eyes, "Whatever you say, Granger...whatever you say..."

She looked at him from the corner of her eye, quietly muttering, "You do look good in that shirt though..."

A smirk reappeared on his face before it met her lips in a quick kiss, taking her by surprise and causing a furious blush to grow on her face.

"W-what was that for?" She looked anywhere but him.

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