Chapter 6

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Hermione was walking out of the school's front entrance when she saw Draco rushing up the steps to where she was.

After noticing her, he paused, "Granger?... Why are you here?"

"It's kind of a long story," Hermione gave a sheepish look, " and I have to talk. It's related to Scorpius."

Draco exhaled deeply, "Alright, but I have to go see the principal about him--"

"That won't be necessary," Hermione cut him off, gesturing for him to walk with her.

The man's eyebrows came together in concern, pausing, before ultimately following the witch, "...and why won't it be necessary?"

Hermione slowed her walking pace in order for him to catch up, "I spoke on your behalf--I know, I know, don't give me that look, let me finish...Scorpius was planning on ditching school today...apparently, after you dropped him off at school earlier, he left the premises and went straight to the park. You're lucky I found him not too long after that, the Muggle Realm has its own wouldn't have been safe for him to be alone in the park like that."

Draco sighed before inquiring, "Did he say why he decided to skip school for the day?"

She nodded, slowing her pace and coming to a halt, "...It's the 3rd Monday of this month."

Draco froze at her words, slowly turning to her, "He mentioned her going to the hospital during this time?"

Hermione nodded sadly. Spotting a nearby bench, she had them sit down before continuing the conversation, "Malfoy...he said he needed to mourn her...because if he didn't he was scared he'd forget her..."

The man closed his eyes, clenching a fist that rested above his knee. He was silent for a moment before slowly opening his eyes to meet the concerned warm browns watching him, "We lost her last year—-wait let me continue before you give me pity noises like I know you's hard Granger...Astoria and I were in an arranged marriage since Daphne passed me up for someone else—not that I minded, marriage to me was just a means to an end to produce an was what my father did, my father's father, and my ancestors..."

"But then you found yourself falling in love with Astoria?" Hermione guessed.

Surprisingly, Draco shook his head, "No...and she knew I didn't share the feelings she developed during our marriage. I did love her, but I just wasn't in love with her, and...I can't...I can't look at a picture of her and not feel the guilt eating away at me, for not loving her the way she wanted me to...Of course, I did my best to protect her, to be there for her—especially during her cancer treatments, taking her on romantic getaways to appease her needs...but she knew I did it out of obligation as her husband..."

"Draco..." Hermione used his first name for the first time, "You can't blame yourself for your feelings or...lack thereof, need to think of Scorpius. You need to forgive yourself for Scorpius because I'm sure Astoria has already forgiven you long before she passed."

He gave out a bitter laugh, " can I forgive myself when even the world still hasn't forgiven me?"

Hermione knew what he meant...the Malfoy's were basically ran out by Wizarding Society in both America and England after the war.

Rumors spread that after his marriage to Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy killed his mother in a fit of rage over his inheritance. Those stupid rumors were made by paranoid civilians who believed he deserved Azkaban for being part of Voldemort's cause, despite being pardoned by the Ministry for helping Harry Potter in the end.

Before he could clear his name or disprove the rumors, an angry mob was able to bypass the wards of Malfoy Manor and set it ablaze. By the time the aurors got on the scene to control the situation, Astoria had passed out due to the fumes, and Draco was trying to protect her body and their newborn son, injuring 20 wizards and witches in the process.

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