Chapter 1 - Wakeup Call

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CT Lecture Hall 102

Academy of Espionage

February 4th

1330 hours

I was in the middle of Critical Thinking 102 when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID, it was one of my best friends Zoe Zibbell calling.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi Ben, this is urgent!" Zoe said. "Come to the principal's office and everything will be explained"

Before I could ask any more questions, she hung up the phone. I raised my hand and got a hall pass to the bathroom. I ran as fast as I could down the campus halls to the principal's office. I shoved through the door to find Mike, Zoe, Erica, Cyrus, and the principal there.

"About time you join us" Cyrus muttered.

I ignored him.

"Alright," Cyrus began. "This is the deal. Murray Hill escaped."

This provoked a response from Mike. "Murray?? He escaped?? WHAT?!"

Cyrus held up a hand, signaling Mike to be quiet. 

"To make matters worse," he continued. "Murray also sprang Ashley, Warren, and Jenny. Now, we do in fact have intel on where he is headed."

Cyrus took four FYEO slips and handed one to each of us. 

"Woah, woah, woah." I said, "We are just going to jump into a mission on such short notice?"

"Don't worry," Erica said. "It's a simple re-con job. It will be easy. We find, follow, and watch Murray, then we call for backup at the CIA or MI6."

I had no choice but to trust Erica on this. I trusted her of course, but she had once told me this same thing on a previous mission in Mexico, to which we ended up in great danger. I figured with some of the best spies on my team, everything would be fine. I tried to match Mike's excitement and act as though I wasn't worried about the mission at all.

"I advise that you all pack for the mission and get some rest." Cyrus said. "You will be leaving at 0100 hours after all."

"You all better get to class, considering I don't want this mission to happen at all!" The principal said. I had almost forgotten he was there.

We all agreed to this. Mike stood up and left the room, heading down the hall to his class. Erica, Zoe, and I left as well. I reached my class having only been gone for 2 minutes, a valid bathroom trip. I entered the lecture hall and grabbed my backpack off of the floor. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Mr. Alfred, my critical thinking professor asked.

"The principal gave me permission to leave," I said. "If it makes you feel better, it was approved by Cyrus Hale."

Mr. Alfred knew he couldn't argue with orders from Cyrus, so he let me leave. I went back to my dorm room and opened my closet. I removed my spy suit, utility belt, combat boots, breath mints, and a few other items, cramming them all into the pack. Then I kicked off my sneakers and climbed into bed. I thought it would be good to take Cyrus's advice to get some sleep.

I didn't manage to get any sleep, however. Instead, I laid there all day, tossing and turning, unable to take my mind off of the mission ahead. All of my friends, one of which the most talented spies ever, were with me. Nothing could go wrong under her protection... right? Everything was going to be fine. Just like Erica said, it was a simple, easy re-con mission. Just watching over Murray. No danger until the CIA or MI6 got there, then they would handle everything.

By 11pm I couldn't take it anymore, so I got on my phone. From there, 12:30am came quickly. I got up, put my shoes on, and headed for the jet tarmac, believing that this mission would be easy, safe, maybe even fun.

Oh, how wrong I was. This mission was going to be not only complicated and difficult, but also extremely dangerous.

Author's Note: Ok, was this chapter ok? I am trying to shoot for at least 500 words per chapter for this short story. Hope you enjoyed, moving along...

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