Chapter 4 - The Party

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Teen Club

Toronto, Canada

February 5th

2000 Hours

We arrived just as the party started, though it was already in full force. Hundreds of teens were arriving by the van load, literally. Mike, Zoe, Erica, and I all filed out of the minivan and headed toward the door. During the drive there, Catherine had agreed to stay back in case of trouble. Mike and I let the girls go ahead of us. We did this for two reasons. One, we were trying to appear chivalrous, and two, if there was any immediate trouble, the girls were each much better fighters than the both of us combined. We entered the clubhouse, which was astonishingly huge. There were teens our ages everywhere.

"Try not to go crazy flirting this time." I said, "Considering your girlfriend is here today."

Mike glared at me. "The whole incident with Liz and Jem was different, I've changed."

This would have been Elizabeth Pasternack, a girl from my old middle school, and Jemma Stern, the former president's daughter. Mike had cheated on Elizabeth with Jemma at another party a few months before. And he was currently cheating on Zoe by secretly dating Erica's little sister, Trixie Hale. I was the only one who knew about this though. Mike didn't know that I knew but I had overheard him on a call with her a few days before the mission. Mike suddenly split off from me, heading for the food court table. I went the opposite direction, toward the back of the party. I sat at a table over there, by myself, not wanting to ruin the mission.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked from behind me.

I yelped in surprise, almost spilling my drink. I turned around to see Erica standing behind me. She sat down in the chair across from me.

"You're wasting valuable time," she said. "If Murray or any other enemy agents are here, they will be over there."

Erica pointed toward the dance floor and the rest of the party, where there were crowds of teens. I knew she was right about this, but I felt I would only mess up the mission by trying to do any re-con.

"We can't just sit here all night," Erica said. "There is work to be done, so get off your ass and start searching!"

With that, she grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me out toward the dance floor. She began subtly scanning the crowd, her ice blue eyes flicking from one side to the other. I followed her lead. I spotted the DJ, Mike chatting up some girls, Zoe getting fruit punch, Murray Hill in a tuxedo, someone knocking over the chocolate fountain.

"Wait," I said, breaking free from Erica's grasp. "I think I saw Murray... in a tux?"

Erica stopped walking and turned back to me. "Where?" She asked. "Is he still in sight?"

"He was over there." I said, motioning to the food table. "Getting chocolate covered bacon, I presume."

Erica began that way, but before I could follow her, I was attacked from behind. Someone jumped on me, knocking me to the floor.

"Not so fast, Ripley. Trying to rat me out already?" It was my nemesis, Murray Hill.

Murray grabbed the collar of my suit and pulled me to my feet. He kept a tight grip, his gun trained on me. His finger twitched on the trigger.

"There is no escaping me now, Ben," Murray said. "I have your friends captured, and you at gunpoint."

As he said this, I noticed my friends in the same situation as me. Erica pinned by Ashley, Zoe by Jenny, and Mike by Warren. I had a plan though. It wasn't a great plan, considering it could either result in victory, or getting me killed. I quickly ran the numbers in my head and found that there was a 60% chance of success. Good enough for me

I deafly unbuttoned the jacket of my suit, slipped out of it and ran. This caught Murray by surprise, just as I had hoped. I kicked the gun out of his hand and aimed it at him. This drew the attention of Ashley, Jenny, and Warren for just long enough for my friends to escape.

I heard a series of pained grunts, and then, a fight broke out. Murray lunged at me, but I side stepped him. His momentum kept him tumbling across the room, managing to knock Warren out. Then, I turned around to see Jenny running at me.

"Ben, duck!" Erica shouted.

I did as she said, and a fraction of a second later, a white high heel flew over my head and nailed Jenny in the face. Erica ran around from behind me and snatched her shoe a put it on. Before I could even get to my feet, Ashley was charging at me. I scrambled out of the way, and Erica side stepped her, caught her by the ponytail, and slammed her face first into the wall, rendering her unconscious. 

Murray then ran at Mike and managed to body-slam him before he could move out of the way. They both slammed into the wall, and began wrestling on the floor, until Murray punched Mike in the face so hard, he was knocked out. Zoe screamed and jumped onto Murray's back sending him flying across the room. She dug her nails into his skin, creating gouges, causing him to collapse, unconscious. Zoe ran to Mike's side and began to look him over. Erica walked over to Mike as well, and I did the same.

"Is he ok?" Zoe asked.

"He needs to go to a hospital," Erica said. "But overall, he'll be fine."

Zoe heaved a sigh of relief. Erica picked up Mike's unconscious body and dragged him out the back door of the party. Zoe and I did the same for Murray, Ashley, Jenny, and Warren. Catherine was waiting in the car for us outside and looked mortified to see so many prone bodies.

"Oh my!" She gasped. "What has happened there?"

"Chill, Mom" Erica replied. "Mike was just knocked unconscious during the fight, he'll be fine in a hospital. And the other's are evil, so that sums it up."

"Alright, well, let's head back to the hotel and sort things out." Catherine said.

Author's Note: Woah, longest chapter yet! Hope you are enjoying so far :D

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