Chapter 14 - Recovery

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Hotel Room 130

Toronto, Canada

February 8th

0700 Hours

We had arrived at the hotel, scarfed down some food, and gone to our rooms. I had immediately passed out on sight of the bed, and with the anxiety of SPYDER's plot gone, I finally got a good night sleep. I woke up nearly 12 hours later, feeling considerably better than I had the morning before. 

When I emerged from my room, I was met with my fellow spies in the living room. Catherine had just set our breakfast down and called us all to the table. However, someone stopped me before I could get there. I turned around to see Zoe, who now had a cast on her left leg, standing behind me.

"Hey, Ben," She said. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you about something so stupid."

"Its alright," I said. "We all have our low moments, and I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Zoe smiled, returning to her usual chipper self. Now she hugged me tightly, and I didn't stop her. We all sat down at the table and began eating breakfast. Suddenly, Mike stopped, a fork full of waffles half way to his mouth. 

"Hey guys," He began, "What ever happened to the code break, with the flash drive?"

"Oh my!" Catherine exclaimed. "Thank you, Michael. With all that was going on I nearly forgot about it!"

Catherine got up from her seat at the table and slipped into her room. A few seconds later she emerged holding the code breaker, which still had SPYDER's flash drive jacked in it from the day before. Catherine returned to her seat and set the device down on the table for us all to see. 

"It looks like the code breaker is finished," she said. "The security is now decrypted, and we can use a computer to see the information on it!"

Now Erica sprang up from her seat. She took the flash drive from Catherine and jammed it into her phone, considering her laptop had exploded yesterday. We all got up from the table and huddled around Erica, staring at her phone screen as the information on the drive began to load up onto it. Numbers and letters quickly began scrolling by. Erica tapped the screen to slow it down and we all tried to remember as much information as we could as everything scrolled passed us. 

"Did anyone catch anything?" Catherine asked. "Commit any of it to memory? See anything unusual?"

"Only one thing," I said. Everyone turned to me at once. "The numbers 55.6761° N, 12.5683° E, those are coordinates for Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark."

"So SPYDER's next plot will be taking place in Denmark," Erica said. "Sounds like a mission to me."

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