Chapter 3 - Britain

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Catherine Hale's House

London, England

February 5th

0600 Hours

"Why hello children!" Catherine said, cheerfully. "Would any of you like some tea? It is nasty cold out!"

"Mom, we are only here for the mission, not tea." Erica said flatly.

"Oh, come on, Erica. Get your mind off of the mission for once! Anyhow..."

Catherine took her coat off the rack and grabbed some car keys. Waving us to follow her out the back door. There, there was a silver sedan parked. She climbed into the front, on the righthand side of the car, and started the engine. Erica climbed into the passenger side, and once again, Mike, Zoe, and I were squished into the back.

"Where are we headed?" Mike asked.

"To the same top-secret tailor that makes all of your spy suits." Catherine replied, veering onto the crowded roads.

"Why?" Zoe asked. "I thought we were heading to Canada."

"We are." Erica said. "But we need to pick up our clothing first. I supposed I can fill you in on the plan. But that will take too long to explain." She said, removing her phone from her pocket. "So here you go. You all can read."

Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my own pocket, which startled me. I fished it out to find a text from Erica. Mike and Zoe both gapped at this.

"Erica gave you her phone number?!??" Zoe asked, astonished.

I nodded, realizing that the others hadn't known this. I opened the text on my phone to reveal the information Erica had sent.

"I told you she likes you." Mike whispered in my ear.

I ignored him, as I had had Erica's phone number for months without the others knowing. I immediately frowned upon seeing Erica's plan.

"We have to infiltrate a party?" I asked.

"Yes," Erica replied. "Is there a problem with that?"

"I'm no good with parties." I replied. "Every time I have attending one, I embarrass myself, I will blow our cover!"

Erica sighed heavily. But before she could say anything, we arrived at the tailor Catherine was talking about.

"Alright children," Catherine said. "Stay here while I go inside."

And with that, she exited the car and ran through the rain into the building. Five agonizingly slow minutes later, she came back, clutching 5 bags that looked like they were from the dry cleaner. She climbed back into the car and handed us each one with our names written on them.

The next 30 minutes was mostly quiet, besides the occasional threat to not open the bags. We arrived back at Catherine's house where we grabbed our backpacks and headed for the MI6 air strip. When we arrived, we were met with a much higher-end jet than the CIA's. It was a sleek gray and look relatively new. The interior was a bright white, giving a much better feel than the sickening green seats of our previous flight. We all sat down in separate seats, Catherine flying in the cockpit. The flight lasted 6 and a half hours, though I tried slept through most of it, and failing. It was probably the worst sleep that I had ever had, and that was saying something. I was suddenly shaken awake. I groaned and turned to see Erica standing over me.

"Come on," she said. "Let's go before we are late."

Late to the party, I presumed. I reluctantly followed Erica out of the jet and on to a secure Canadian tarmac I never knew existed. There was yet another car waiting for us outside of this jet. We clambered into it and sped away, arriving at our hotel 45 minutes later. We took the elevator up to the 6th floor where our hotel room was. There were 5 separate rooms, one for all of us, which couldn't have been cheap.

"Wow," I said. "The CIA really funded this?"

Catherine chuckled. "Who said the CIA paid? This came out of my pocket!"

I was quite surprised that Catherine had paid upfront for a hotel like this but didn't argue it. I claimed a room and laid my backpack and outfit on the bed.

"Alright children." Catherine called from the hallway. "The party will be starting in 3 hours, and with a 90-minute drive, we better leave soon."

I unzipped the plastic bag incasing the outfit Catherine had given me. Inside, was a three-piece suit, like the types Alexander Hale wore. I slipped into it and spent at least 5 minutes trying to tie the dark blue tie that came with it. I emerged from my room to find the others gathered there, checking themselves or putting on shoes. Mike had the same suit as me, just his tie was mint green. Zoe was wearing a short mint green dress with white lace around the waist, that happened to match Mike's tie perfectly. I turned and nearly passed out when I noticed Erica. She was wearing a long dress with sequence in various places. The dress was dark blue, the same color as my tie, which made my heart skip a beat. Erica's hair was braided and tied into a low bun, with two other braids framing her face. She looked beautiful. We all walked out the front door of the hotel, climbed into the car we had driven from the airport, and started off to the party that started at 8pm.

Maybe the party wouldn't be as bad as I thought? Fun even! Oh, how wrong I was again.

Author's Note: Yes, I know there is a 6 hour time zone difference in England vs. America, but I didn't feel like doing the math so please.

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