Epilogue / Information

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February 10th

To: ***********

Thanks to junior agents ***, *****, ***, and ****, accompanied by trusted MI6 agent **********, SPYDER's plans have been thwarted yet again. This officially made Operation Chimp Chaser a success. Everything that has occurred in the last few days is highly classified and should not be shared among anyone else that is not part of the CIA or MI6.

I will have you note that there is more evidence that SPYDER is plotting something else quite big in Copenhagen, Denmark. I advice that we re-issue these junior agents on Operation Distant Deer.



Director of the CIA.



Hi Everyone, Agent _rosa_lina_ here!

I just wanted to let you know that this is the first of many books in my fan-made version of Stuart Gibbs's Spy School series. As you read in the previous chapter, there will be another book that continues off of this one. I hope you enjoyed this! Once again, I do not own these characters, Stuart Gibbs does. However, the plot of this story is mostly original by me, although some of the dialogue and ideas are inspired by the real Spy School series. In any/all of my fan-made books, there may be spoilers for the newest Spy School Book (Spy School Project X "SSPX") so if you have not read it, please be ware of spoilers, thank you.

This Book: "Spy School Crash of Canada" (released December 5th 2022)

Next Book: "Spy School Detonation of Denmark" (release date: January 31st 2023?)

Previous Book: N/A

Hope you enjoyed this book, and I hope to see you all reading the next one, which should be out in a month or two (no promises). 

- Agent _rosa_lina_ 

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