Chapter 9 - Attacked

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SPYDER's Headquarters

Toronto, Canada

February 7th

0045 Hours

Zoe screamed. Not out of terror but so much as pain. She had been shot in the leg by whoever was shooting at us. Catherine began limping away, meaning something has also happened to her. I ran to Zoe's side and with the adrenaline rush I was experiencing, I picked her up and run out of the building myself.

"Is something wrong?" Erica asked calmly through the radio. "I heard someone scream."

"I found Catherine and Zoe," I said, frantically. "And yes! Things have gone VERY wrong!!"

"On a scale of 1 to 10-" Erica began.

"23!!" I interrupted.

I heard a gasp form Erica and then footsteps coming my way. I ran past the stairs and Erica fell in behind me. She looked shocked to see that I was carrying Zoe and that Catherine was quickly limping ahead of us. 

Suddenly, something sailed over my head, hit the ground, and began ticking fast. Erica and I slid to a stop and began running the other way just as the grenade that had flown over my head exploded. It jolted us forward almost causing me to lose my balance. Zoe was now crying in my arms, though form pain or terror I didn't know. We ran about through the halls, looking for an exit. As we did, I caught a brief glimpse of something unusual. A tangle of colorful wires? Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to look as we rounded a corner and found the large door we had entered through. 

Erica typed the code as fast as she could, but the door didn't open. A shot rang out from behind us, Erica leapt out of the way and the bullet pierced the keypad. It short-circuited and the door open a little. This little was just enough for us to slip out and into the grass. Catherine was now right behind us. We darted through the trees trying to outrun our shooter.

"Keep running." Erica said suddenly.

Then, without any warning, she grabbed onto a branch and swung herself up into a tree. We did as she ordered, continuing to run. A few seconds later, I heard the distinct sound of someone being knocked to the ground, followed by a few pained screams.

"That's what you get for messing with us, you fucking loser!" I heard Erica shout.

We ran for a few more minutes before finally thinking it was safe to stop. I put Zoe down and dropped to the ground myself. Catherine sat down as well, and Erica leapt over the bush we were hidden behind and pulled out a med kit. She began to wrap up Zoe's leg.

"Is anyone else hurt?" Erica asked.

We all shook our heads. This struck me as odd since I has just seen Catherine with a clear limp, but I didn't say anything. Erica put away the medical kit and sighed.

"So did either of you get any intel on SPYDER's plot while you were held captive?" I asked.

"No, we were drugged for most of the time there." Zoe said, looking saddened by the thought.

"Did you find anything upstairs?" I asked Erica.

"Yes, actually," She replied, removing a flash drive from a pocket of her utility belt.

"Oh no," Catherine said. "Every time we have used one of those it has fried our devices."

Erica nodded, considering it had been all of her devices that were fried. However, I noticed something on the back of the drive as Erica studied it. I took the drive from her and flipped it over. On the back read: "The password is 751, do not forget." Murray must have written a note to himself to not forget the code and fry his own computer. I turned the drive back over for the others to see and pointed at what was written on it. Zoe started laughing.

"Is Murray really that stupid to forget his own password?" She asked, still laughing.

"I guess so," Erica said. "Let's take this back to the hotel and analyze it."

And with that, Erica sprang to her feet and began running off. Catherine not far behind. Zoe stood up on her good leg and reached out for me. She put an arm around me and began slowly limping along.

"This is way too slow," I said.

Then took Zoe's legs and carried her, going after the others.

Author's Note: Yes, the end makes it seem like I am shipping Zen, WHICH I AM NOT. Mike and Zoe are dating, Mike is just currently in the hospital. Zoe leg is hurt and Ben does not have the patience to wait for her to limp along. ty

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